
I dooo not have the time to write but rn I’m in my Amour era and I really want to finish the story


@annabellapi Omg please do, can't wait to see where the story goes :)) 


hey how are you


im generally busy either, saw ur update. also saw, you created your acc at 2012 thats wild how far life would progress


@kahvekola ahhh I’m just a bit busy for wattpad. I just don’t have the time to come on or write


@annabellapi im fine thank you, nice to hear that! i got wondered that you got disappeared *-*


Hi i just wanted to ask have you discontinued the stories? Because i’m in love with amour and i just would like to know if there is any possibility of a future update


@Erens_freedom221 i do have almost an entire next chapter and a fairly sorted out timeline, i just need the time to sit down and write it out as I’m honestly just pooped most days when i get home and then spend most of the weekend out ! but i love amour and definitely don’t intend to leave it intended 


@Erens_freedom221 Hello! I’m glad you like amour ! It’s definitely not discontinued I just unfortunately work like crazy and have just moved in with my girlfriend and so have very little time to write  


Hello, i just finished your book on e.mikaelson and it was awesome. Just cause i am curious what happened afterwards cause they all get bitten by Marcel. Hayley and Hope on the run. Klaus imprisoned. Cami died. What happens to Frankie? And what happens when Elijah and Klaus sacrifice themselves later on or the mid part where Marcel compels Elijah to forget his identity and family.??? I completed the book 4 to 5 hrs earlier and my curiosity is eating me up so much i just can't sleep.... And God the way you wrote the book it's amazing the bond between Klaus and Frankie. How you depicted Elijah, it just made the book fun to read.... 


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@Crystal_Arora Thanks for reading I’m glad you enjoyed it ! ✨✨ Basically I said it in the end note in the last chapter but in that Petrichor universe I’m pretending all that dumb shit from the final seasons are out and it’s a happily ever after.  I think the bites and memory loss and sacrifice etc are all a bit of a cop out for the show and so i didn’t make them relevant in this book. So glad you loved it tho 


I have a question, what happened to the “Lovely” story? It was one of my favorites and now I cannot find it 


Ok thank you anyways tho!


@BetrayalandRevenge I think you’re on the wrong page  I’ve never written a “lovely” story nor have I haven any of my stories down. Good luck in your search though !! 