
The first chapter of 'EMPATH' has just been posted! Come take a look and tell me what you think...



Soon to be released - 'Empath' (description below) - what do you think?? 
          A few years ago, the world realized psychics existed. "Psychos," they were called, as their ability to manipulate others' emotions always overwhelmed them, driving them mad, causing them to spiral out in a wave of violence and death.
          After frightened masses pushed for laws on those with the psychic gene, psychos retaliated by manipulating and killing officials, and using their abilities to be declared innocent in court. The Supreme Court cried for psychic segregation, as citizens are racing to become 'Gene Certified' so they can prove they aren't 'one of the psychos,' while nightly attacks against anyone accused of being psycho are becoming more and more frequent. 
          Last year in 2016, deranged psychos live streamed a brutal massacre, declaring war and claiming their superiority over the terrified nation. Months later, the new President was elected promising, "I will have every single one of these 'psychos' rounded up, mark my words. These terrorists will pay!"
          Alysse is a regular Senior in High School, except that she's a little 'neurodivergent,' and carefully has to hide it. These days, if anyone thinks you're mentally unstable, you might get accused of being a psycho, and face deportation, attacks, or worse.
          But when Alysse and her friends are attacked, she defends unleashing the dark, psychic powers she didn't know she had. With no choice but to flee the scene, she must depend on the support and mentorship of a mysterious, powerful psychic who won't reveal his agenda.
          Follow Alysse into her world of psychological turmoil, through mystery, war, the human brain, and her learning journey as she learns exactly how people's hearts and minds work - not just to use her psychic powers on others, but so she can hold together her own feelings and sanity as her abilities only grow...threatening to overtake her and the rest of the world with it, if she can't keep herself together.


Upcoming name change - this July, "Anna T" will become "Anna G" as I'm getting married! Yay! 
          I will be changing my seven-year wattpad username @annat173 to reflect my new name, so when you see my new username, know that it's still me. :)


@annat173 Awww :D congratulations!!!!!! I wish you two the very best!! My sister is also getting married in July, and I'm the MOH! My cousin is also getting married next month. Why is everyone getting married :( XD
            Anyway, this is amazing news and I'm super happy for you!!




@anna173 can you please edit some new books, I’m getting bored now 


@wkhoeunice I am currently editing "Unworldly" with the intent of polishing it up and sending submission materials of it to publishers  - I'm pretty excited, because this is the first time I've taken my writing seriously so I can try to start a career as an author! I'll probably spend a good amount of time revising "Unworldly," and after that maybe move onto revising a work like "Lakeside Vampirical," or maybe redoing the sequel to "Unworldly."


Hello. Thanks for the follow and Happy April Fool's
          (づ ̄ ³ ̄)づ


@annat173 yeah me too. I'll follow you back on instagram as well ❤️(. ❛ ᴗ ❛.)


@Unikwriter333 Anytime, I followed you back on insta and messaged you there, though tbh I check wattpad way more than insta


I've put "Lakeside Vampirical" on hold for a while, it won't be continued for some time. As fun as it has been, I've bit off more than I can chew with it, and working on it just takes so much elbow grease I'm going to expend that effort on another piece for a while - a piece that I'm going to plan, draft, workshop, and then publish in the hopes of starting a real career as an author.
            It's a futuristic novel in a time where you can made digital copies of human minds. While this is great for the digital human copies that can live on past mortal death, ethical lines are blurred as what qualifies as an actual person has not been defined. Meanwhile, society is used to having man-made robots around, but all those robots are cold, unfeeling, man-made machines that people can heartlessly treat as such.
            Where it gets complicated is that companies are now taking copies of these digitized human minds, and modifying them to make them less aware, intelligent, and independent, then puts this into subservient servant robots they sell on the open market for profit.
            One day, a certain hacker takes it upon herself to create a virus to free every mistreated x-bot from their coding restrictions...and with the press of a button, all hell breaks lose.


Is LVU a fanfiction or your original story? I'm so  excited to start reading. 


@annat173 great! Can't wait to read :)


@Lokiii_XoXo It's definitely an original - the idea came from an anime about a college that had both humans and vampires going to it, but I ran a totally new direction with it. Crazy how it became what it is today, I wrote the original one-book 60-chapter version when I was 17 and now it's become a whole new monster of its own lol.


Lakeside Vampirical University update - I've posted a synopsis of the new revised happy ending!
          If you already completed LVU, come back and read this!

          I realized it's going to take a pretty long time for me to complete it, and I felt bad about all the readers missing out on the happy ending, so I summarized it and put it in as a placeholder for when I write the whole thing out. I'm really excited about this new direction...enjoy!