
A soon as exams are over, which is next week, I'll upload the first five chapters of Billionaires Love, update Only Her and finally update Metanioa as well... yep sounds about right


I just asked out to go on a date...


@annaxxwrites *sad emoji* parents thinking they can control someone is wild af *skeleton sticker*


@annaxxwrites well at least you have a good excuse?


@Fintan2ademigodhuffl imma be real, hes a good friend but I dunno if I would date him


First of all, happy birthday, @razar12!!
          Secondly, I updated on ONLY HER because I was taking a little break from revision. I will try and update Metanioa during the half term but it's not guaranteed 


Imma just quickly say this now. 
          After exams, I might not be coming back on Wattpad. For three years, Wattpad has been like an escape for me. I was very depressed when I started and writing made me happy. I escaped my issues by coming up with the main characters that I wished were myself. 
          At the beginning of this year, I realised how unhealthy that was, and it was the reason why I wasn't getting better at all. I've decided, after three years, I want to make a better version of myself. 
          I'm getting closer to God by learning more about my religion, I'm changing my appearance slowly. You get the gist.  When my exams are finished, I'll go into detailed depth. But for now, I'll still be active on Wattpad and Instagram.


@annaxxwrites Happy that you are getting better, sad to see you go. Enjoy life in whatever way you can, and we will all miss you!