
Hi everyone. I want to let you know that my book Light in Your Eyes has been completed. You can now read it in full. 
          	- Mafia/ gang leader
          	- Grumpy X Sunshine
          	- Forced proximity
          	- The male lead is blind 
          	It is not a dark romance book. 
          	I hope you enjoy the love story of Kellan and Layla because they really have a special place in my heart. 
          	I'm sorry that I haven't been able to reach out to you one by one but I truly appreciate your continuous support and warm messages. I love you so much. 
          	Lots of love,


@miraBE08 I hope it's a happy ending 


@anya_jayvyn you are an excellent writer because you write from your heart and it shows. No matter what genre you choose, you never fail to amaze us. Keep inspiring people. ❤️❤️❤️❤️❤️


Just want to let you know that I appreciate your writing so much. I did my best not to start reading Light in Your Eyes because of the time it took to finish We were meant to be. Don't get me wrong, I love your books. But my heart can't take the suspense and the waiting 
          I'm so happy I can't start reading now. Please write some more to make our hearts flutter and bring smiles to our faces ❤️❤️❤️


Typo - CAN start reading now


Hey Anya
          I love ur books so much and all of 'em in my heart and I'd like to tell u that Kellan and Layla have a special part in my heart too and I've experienced a lot of feelings mixed with a lot of tears in this book so Thank u so much for this book
          And I'm again for a million times falling for a man who doesn’t even exist 
          I Hope u see it.