
oh my god  i just re-read the gaster!sans x reader i wrote years ago that one was actually kinda nice agh it's making me want to write again even more  my ao3 account is apparently "anglewrites" i forgot i changed the name to that. "angle" because that's my new main username


 i just posted an author's note for just sing. i can't believe i still remember my wattpad password


@ artsyTrashpile  ¡Hello! I'm happy that you're back even for a few moments


I don’t know if u use Wattpad anymore, so I hope one day you come on hear and see this posed but your stories, have changed my life. 
          I cried reading your stories, I laughed reading your stories, I decided to start writing stories because of you. Your beautiful writing has encouraged me to do more of what I love. Now I know you don’t know me, and I don’t know you. But just know that you changed a life... my life. And I think it’s safe to say that you have done the same to a few others in the world. I hope you see this because I also have a bit of advice that your stories taught me...
          Embrace the good times, and do what you love. Weather your talented or not, as long as you are happy, the world will be a better place.


*sigh* how do i get back into wattpad, i barely even have time to draw because of this stupid new school
          i'll try to write in christmas break i guess and summer but


Sorry I needed to get the weirdness out of my system


okay self it's first quarter exams and you haven't studied a single thing, what do you do?
          > check my wattpad


αυτό το μήνυμα μπορεί να είναι προσβλητικό
>be me
          >comes back to play animal jam after months of being offline
          >goes to summer carnival
          >snow leopard asks my gender
          >say i'm a girl
          >leopard says cool
          >leopard says i'm a boy and sends wink emoji
          >gets weirded out and goes to a random place on the map
          >leopard follows me
          >leopard proceeds to take off clothing items from their character
          >leopard sends blush emoji
          >retreats to den
          >the fuck just happened???


just wait until you stumble upon a polar bear


and this is why snow leopards are the 8th most dangerous predator in the world.