
Decided to take a five month hiatus because being an adult sucks, ten out of ten I don't recommend it.
          	Anyways, after a long time of procrastination, my friend has forced me to start watching more tv shows in my free time when I'm not working. So, I've been watching Teen Wolf and have an idea for a crossover with Supernatural that's currently being... monitored. I'm thinking I'll try to post random questions for you guys to answer that will be included in that story when or if I decide to publish it. I haven't exactly been in the writing groove in a while so I'm trying to get back in that seat.
          	Thanks for reading this ya Shanks, means a lot.


Decided to take a five month hiatus because being an adult sucks, ten out of ten I don't recommend it.
          Anyways, after a long time of procrastination, my friend has forced me to start watching more tv shows in my free time when I'm not working. So, I've been watching Teen Wolf and have an idea for a crossover with Supernatural that's currently being... monitored. I'm thinking I'll try to post random questions for you guys to answer that will be included in that story when or if I decide to publish it. I haven't exactly been in the writing groove in a while so I'm trying to get back in that seat.
          Thanks for reading this ya Shanks, means a lot.


Rereading your old works causes a few reactions to pop up.
          1. Take the book, throw it in the trash, and burn it.
          2. Cringe at mistakes, or laugh at them
          3. Feel proud of it.
          And number 4.
          Stare in intense confusion when you find people still reading it.
          Like, I don't understand how you guys can sit through and read my old works. Specifically the His Glue series. I tried to reread it, but I couldn't do it, man. I cringed so hard on the first page that it felt like I had a sour lemon in my mouth. So, Kudos to you brave souls reading that, for real.
          Also, a little ps. My reason for not updating is that I took a mental health break cause, yeesh, I needed it. Still on it, but I wanted to say something instead of just disappearing... again.


@bagsybaggins well mate if you ask us your work is great. Besides you should be proud of it! Have a great day/night take care. 


Are you still updating your Seth Clearwater story or no?


Ok thank you so much! I love your books so much


@Sarah2527675 currently I'm debating on rewriting it. But no, I'm not updating it as of the moment.


@Bagsy_Baggins Are you no longer updating "Life Line (Seth Clearwater)?"


Oh ok, if you do decide to do it, can you contact me 


@_myhobbyisreading_  um, currently debating on rewriting it. But no, I'm not updating it currently.


Okay, so update will be on Friday as per usual. Except I don't know if chapter 5 had been published on Friday(like I thought it was) or if it was yesterday, but yeah, Friday's update day.
          Also, currently getting into Supernatural again, but also into Teen Wolf... Might have something thought out, might not, we'll see.
          But, does anyone like Matt Murdock, Aka Daredevil? Because there's a fanfic on Ao3 that's super freaking good, it's called The Red Thread and I love it, honestly.


I will also be publishing The King's Gambit Series on Ao3 just because I severely dislike the sheer number of ads on Wattpad. I will be posting a link for that in a bit after I have fully copied and pasted everything onto Ao3; the link will lead to my Ao3 page with The Bishop in my works or under the series tab. I will still keep publishing it on here, but for the people who don't like the ads (the ones who don't pay to have no ads) here is an option for you to read it without the ads.


Also, announcement! For The Bishop, it is going to be a four book series! Set in stone, there will be four books, and if you go check out the summary of The Bishop, you'll see that I made a little edit to it. 
          ||The King's Gambit Series|| starts with The Bishop and is set in The Fever Code. The next book with be set in The Maze Runner and the third in The Scorch Trials, and the Final in The Death Cure.
          Reasons why I named the Series The King's Gambit-
          First, because all the books in the series are chess peices.
          Second, because the King's Gambit is move in chess that could easily lead to your demise. 
          Third, the King's Gambit is a sacrifice of your pawns and other peices that, if done correctly, will lead to your success. 
          And Four, I couldn't name it the Queen's Gambit because that's a tv series and I didn't want people to get confused.
          Ps, I have watched that show and it is good.


Shanks, anyone else think WICKED is extremely stupid for everything they've done? Cause I do, but I wanna just explain a little something that makes me wanna throw the books at Ratman's hollow skull.
          The grievers... Absolutely terrifying in books and movies, more so in the books. But, if WICKED wanted more subjects, they should've made something... less everything. Sure, maybe just as terrifying, but easier to kill when in large groups. 
          For instance, in the books, 41 Gladers (including the ones we know and love by name), they all try to escape. Try being the key word because 20, yes 20 of them, die. That leaves 21, until Chuck dies because of Captain Gally, which brings us to 20 Gladers.
          And, I don't know about you all, but 20 subjects, out of 67 in total? Mmmh, not exactly good. And yeah, 67 in total, I did the math, but when Thomas arrived there was already 16 dead, be it from Maze or the Changing made them jacked and they got banished like Ben (RIP to Benny Boi).
          So, 51 Gladers not including Thomas or Teresa, then we take out Ben, brings us to 50. Then in the books, there are 6 people that are grieved grabbed (Gally was one of them in the books, in case you didn't read them), which brings us to 44 Gladers! And 41 try to escape, leave 3 lonesome bravely stupid Gladers in the Glade.
          So, in case you were wondering how many there were exactly in the books, there ya go. But also, WICKED is stupid because they killed most of their subjects before the Scorch even happened. Thumbs down, 1 out of 10 points, but 10 out of 10 for stupidity. Thank you for coming to my Ted Talk/Rant of things that annoy me about the books.


I was wondering if anyone else had done the math about the Gladers! I totally agree with you! 