
Loose dust along with debris from withered crops, grass and weeds were getting forcefully cut off, shredded and then piped upward into the sky like one gigantic cyclone serpent. With its topmost bulbous head or rather eye vomiting unseen hell of trash upon the once peaceful sky – akin to cyclone Hidaya. Feeble and helpless dried crops and other vegetation detached unceremoniously from their dehydrated mother-roots, hurtling recklessly into the air.
          	Angry sun breathing fire upon earth coupled with intense heat waves and lack of normal rain cycles had scorched most vegetation of previous seasons.
          	Then she noticed it! The scary serpent and her heart fluttered with immense fear.
          	She regarded the zigzagging whirlwind as it advanced towards her only path, but several meters far ahead of her. She could clearly hear it hissing, interlaced with other terrified cries and screams of petrified debris. It had already gathered a sizeable load of debris and dust, and she was very certain that it was headed to intercept her.
          	There was a faint hysteria in her eyes as a brusque bolt of shock ran through her like a ranging thunder.
          	Heart thundering and protesting inside her chest, Christine turned around slowly, and faced the crazy ruthless monster of a whirlwind. Regarding it with great concern, as it unleashed havoc upon Earth's sun-beaten surface, tearing and shredding whichever that happened to stand on its way.
          	Every muscle in her body was screaming at her to free, but she remained frozen, and her legs wobbly. Her breath quickened as she used every muscle in her body to stifle a whimper. In her terrified mind, every breath of wind was as loud as a blood curdling scream, as she eyed the monster, full of dread.    


Loose dust along with debris from withered crops, grass and weeds were getting forcefully cut off, shredded and then piped upward into the sky like one gigantic cyclone serpent. With its topmost bulbous head or rather eye vomiting unseen hell of trash upon the once peaceful sky – akin to cyclone Hidaya. Feeble and helpless dried crops and other vegetation detached unceremoniously from their dehydrated mother-roots, hurtling recklessly into the air.
          Angry sun breathing fire upon earth coupled with intense heat waves and lack of normal rain cycles had scorched most vegetation of previous seasons.
          Then she noticed it! The scary serpent and her heart fluttered with immense fear.
          She regarded the zigzagging whirlwind as it advanced towards her only path, but several meters far ahead of her. She could clearly hear it hissing, interlaced with other terrified cries and screams of petrified debris. It had already gathered a sizeable load of debris and dust, and she was very certain that it was headed to intercept her.
          There was a faint hysteria in her eyes as a brusque bolt of shock ran through her like a ranging thunder.
          Heart thundering and protesting inside her chest, Christine turned around slowly, and faced the crazy ruthless monster of a whirlwind. Regarding it with great concern, as it unleashed havoc upon Earth's sun-beaten surface, tearing and shredding whichever that happened to stand on its way.
          Every muscle in her body was screaming at her to free, but she remained frozen, and her legs wobbly. Her breath quickened as she used every muscle in her body to stifle a whimper. In her terrified mind, every breath of wind was as loud as a blood curdling scream, as she eyed the monster, full of dread.    


Hello wattpadders! so long since i said hi
          Hope you're all doing great. More chapters of ADAMANTINES are up! and more thrilling!
          Her heart started to race as she inched closer. Faster with each step. 
          Then, her legs started to wobbled when nasty memories crashed on her. Memories about city infection clouding her mind. Torturing her mind. With some people even terming it as an apocalypse inception, though she wasn’t any certain whether these rumours were true or not. But all the same, it was jittering for her to envision.
          Her skin crawled and chilling Goosebumps snarled at her.
          My Alice has never slept for that long.
          She could smell something very unusual today. Something was absolutely off.
          But what could it be?


Hiii!How are you?I hope fine!
          I'm sorry for bothering you, but do you have time to check out my stories? 
          my biggest dream is to become a great author one day!
          If you are interested, here it is.
          I follow back too for help you because I know it's not easy to be a writer ;)


Please and please do check this out
          And sorry for using your board message without your permission and please share and tag friends.
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