
Ready to die  


Oye, ¿todo bien?. Hace tiempo que no apareces por aquí y te pregunto por eso. No se si te animará leer esto pero me gustaría decirte que tu historia me encanta y ademas creo que esta muy bien escrita


Can you update the book pls it’s really good. pls stop leaving us hanging. If your not going to update it just say it and delete the book. There’s no use of making a book and not finishing it. Giving the people that likes your book and believe that your going to updated it even tho your not is not nice or cool. It makes me mad that authors do this cuz this is the one way I can escape from the horrible reality I have. There may be something going on at home and if there is I hope you get through it. But can you at least tell us your not updating it anymore. I don’t mean to sound mean but every day I come back thanking maybe The author updated it maybe The author updated it and coming to find out the author didn’t and being sad/ disappointed the rest of the day


If you aren’t a writer, you don’t know how mentally draining it is. And if your reality is so horrible then you know how hard it is to be mentally tired and drained. stop being selfish just because you want something and you can’t have it. Stop acting like a child


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You cannot make someone update a book just because you don’t feel okay. You cannot say “it’s not nice not to update”. stop trying to fucking guilt people into updating. you are such a selfish person . 


Though i am not the author myself (in the kindest way), maybe it’s best you don’t rant about how much you need an update so badly. I understand that it could be a bit frustrating at times finding good books but then see it was updated last year. But as an writer, at times it’s really hard to know whether if you’re ever going to get an update done, sometimes it could take a month, sometimes it could half a year. I don’t see a point in leaving a note saying you’re no longer updating, when even the author themselves don’t know if they are going to update any time soon, the note is pretty much pointless if they decided to update again. Readers gets sad about good books that updated a year later, but it shouldn’t get you mad that authors do this. Simply, find a completed book, there’s many of fanfics out there that are finished. 