
this probably doesn't make sense but i'm so mad at wattpad because they edited my dash symbol (-) into the default dash so some of the sentences may look weird in the eleventh chapter of royal magister. i'm currently re-editing it and hopefully they don't change it again. i'm sorry if any of you are confused with the sentences because of it


@RinkuraNega i had trouble too with the notifications, so you weren't the only one. but don't worry, the chapter is always going to be there, so you can check out whenever you want to! thank you for reading!! ♡


@bukimi  wait-wait-wait why the hell I haven't got a notification about new chapter in the story? Whaaat :/ I'm so mad and happy right now. And it's too late here, but I hope I will have a chance to read it tomorrow.


this probably doesn't make sense but i'm so mad at wattpad because they edited my dash symbol (-) into the default dash so some of the sentences may look weird in the eleventh chapter of royal magister. i'm currently re-editing it and hopefully they don't change it again. i'm sorry if any of you are confused with the sentences because of it


@RinkuraNega i had trouble too with the notifications, so you weren't the only one. but don't worry, the chapter is always going to be there, so you can check out whenever you want to! thank you for reading!! ♡


@bukimi  wait-wait-wait why the hell I haven't got a notification about new chapter in the story? Whaaat :/ I'm so mad and happy right now. And it's too late here, but I hope I will have a chance to read it tomorrow.


after two years, i actually finished writing the final chapter of royal magister


@bukimi Loved the story sm, glad you finished it :)) <33


@Devia-chan i'm glad! (´༎ຶོρ༎ຶོ`)


@bukimi it was enough(╥﹏╥)


update on royal magister to anyone who's still reading: i'm trying my best to reread it again but i'm cringing so hard every time i read it again. god who hurt me back then for me to decide to write that kind of angst


@JIS000000 REALLY? omg i'm so sorry for taking so long to update... :"( i promise you that it'll be updated soon! 


@ bukimi i still have that book in my library :D


@Devia-chan no one actually, but my brain decided to be dramatic and act as if i was :"D


omg i can't believe i didn't reply to the comments on the thank you chapter of the harihar book. i'm sorry everyone, i swear i thought i replied already... 


@Devia-chan the message board was easier to check, but for the books, it was hard for me because some notifications weren't appearing :"( i still tried my best though to reply to the ones i can ಥ_ಥ̥


@bukimi hshshs you replied at the messages here thoooo!


heyhey! is it okay if i continue writing your discontinued works? like, your plots are so interesting and I kinda feel like maybe adding on to them lol.


@WisteriaRoses ahhh i see! omg i would love to see what you can do with it, since i've always wanted to work on it but i never had the chance to :"(


@bukimi ah yes the double trouble oneee!


@WisteriaRoses thank you for finding the plot interesting!  but which story is it, is it the double trouble one? if it is, then you have my utmost permission to work with the plot!


hi everyone, if you suddenly get a reply from me after a year, months, or weeks, i'm sorry. i know it's been forever, but i always appreciate every single comment, so i try to reply whenever i can. i'm sorry i can't reply to everyone because of the lack of time, but i just want you to know that despite quitting mlbb, i can't stop laughing whenever i read some of your comments. every one of them is enjoyable to read, so thank you to those who are still commenting even though i haven't written anything new. to those who didn't comment but are reading my stories, thank you too. your support means a lot to me!! ♡
          i'm still not into mlbb anymore, but i do miss harihar once in a while. reading new comments, and knowing people still read my stories, it brings me joy. i don't know what you see in my stories, because i cringe every time i read it again, but i hope you liked them! to new readers, i was pretty wild a few years ago with all the angst... and stuff (and i'm really sorry about that). but i promise you my writing has gotten tame now that i'm older!
          regarding "royal magister": i still don't know when i'll continue it. the document has 4k words at the moment, but it's only halfway finished. i've been trying to refresh my memory by rereading it (that's how i ended up cringing at my writing), but i can't come up with anything good. sorry to those who i put through so much angst and just left it there. until i finish royal magister, i WILL keep coming back to this account.
          i'll be leaving this account again, and i don't know when i'll be back. but thank you to those who stuck with me, who came back to re-read my stories, and to the new readers who had just discovered them!! i hope you have a pleasant time here. i'll be updating when i have the time to open this account again. take care everyone!


@WisteriaRoses sorry for the late reply, but thank you, and i hope you've been doing well too!! ❤️❤️


@Chance_Encounter ahhh so sorry for the late reply, but thank you so much!  i recently got back into ml, but i'm still a bit distant with the characters, so i don't think i'll write mlbb again (except for finishing royal magister). i'm in a different fandom now, but i still write, so at least that's something. my main problem is that i don't have the time to write all the time when i'm in my semester...
            i have major respect to people who can write even though they're not into a fandom... because i never find my motivation to write when it's like that :"( but good luck with your works, whichever fandom you're in right now! thank you so much for your support and for entertaining my writing ❤️ right now, i'm just writing for fun, but i really appreciate the help you're offering! ♡


@bukimi ahhh ur so sweet <33 thanks for the luck! hope you do well in your own life :D


It's ok if you don't reply to mine, please take your time on school, family and more! Just please have yout life, and have fun! You can do more stuff while we wait for an upcoming story/book that you are making in the moment. We will understand the life you have, And make sure to spend your time on it! So i hope that you will achieve your dreams and have a wonderful life! ฅ^•ﻌ•^ฅ
          Godbless and stay safe!


tysm for replying!! i actually lost my pass in that acc, it still had my cringy ahh phase that i had, but i recovered from that phase and tucked it in, with my “past memories.” 
            anyway, it took like 4 months to reply since i’ve moved onto genshin, and i have been rlly unactive there in mlbb, and i had to grind other games, in the meanwhile, ml is just there in the dusty corner.
            but thx for replying !! i hope you publish more books, and hopefully you can finish other chapters. btw take breakz !!


@sxftypxeachess hi, i'm sorry for taking more than a year to reply, but i just want to say thank you so much for your message  i've been really busy with my studies, and i quitted mlbb long ago, so i didn't have the motivation to continue writing for this fandom. but one day i hope i can at least finish my final book "royal magister". i'm still trying to remember the ending i originally planned...
            again, thank you so much for your message, and do remember to take care of yourself too! i'm sorry for not writing harihar anymore, but i hope you were able to enjoy the stories i posted! (╥︣﹏᷅╥᷅)


thank you for all your kind messages. you guys are the reason why i feel like i must finish my last story even though i'm no longer interested in mlbb. and i swear i'll reply to your comments once i finish all my projects ( ;∀;) though, i may not be able to reply to all because for some reason, not all messages appear in my notifications, and some disappear too. so please don't assume i'm ignoring you
          but thank you again for your support. i didn't expect a lot of you to still be here despite this account being dead. i'll try my best to open this account again once i'm free ಥ_ಥ̥ please just bear with me as i try to finish this semester 


@IkeepChangingmyname and thank you for reading my stories and for your stay! ಥ_ಥ̥ until i finish "royal magister", i know i have unfinished business with this account. i won't stop opening it until i write the last chapter (or at least trying to). i hope you had fun going back to mlbb!!


@bukimi its fine if u can't open your account We totally understand! Thank you again for trying to continue the lab story even though you grew out of Mlbb! <3 i have too well i got back into it since my friend forced me too lol 