
          	I’m back. I know you guys are probably tired of me disappearing randomly and I honestly am sorry. These last few years and especially these last few months have been hard on me. 
          	I have cancer. And between being the sickest I’ve ever been, getting treatment, and the hit my mental health took dealing with my reality I didn’t have the motivation to do anything (let alone write).
          	I feel like I have let you all down and I feel terrible that there was a possibility I would never be able to finish telling all the stories I’ve dreamed of.
          	I’m doing a lot better now and I’m finally in the head space to give Coffee & Cigarettes the ending I’ve been building up to for the last ten years when I first got the idea for The Stoner & The Blind girl.
          	As of now, I plan to focus on finishing Coffee & Cigarettes. Please have patience. New chapters are coming. Any other project I had will remain on hold for now. 
          	If you’ve made it this far, thank you for reading and for your understanding. I couldn’t have made it this far without you.


          I’m back. I know you guys are probably tired of me disappearing randomly and I honestly am sorry. These last few years and especially these last few months have been hard on me. 
          I have cancer. And between being the sickest I’ve ever been, getting treatment, and the hit my mental health took dealing with my reality I didn’t have the motivation to do anything (let alone write).
          I feel like I have let you all down and I feel terrible that there was a possibility I would never be able to finish telling all the stories I’ve dreamed of.
          I’m doing a lot better now and I’m finally in the head space to give Coffee & Cigarettes the ending I’ve been building up to for the last ten years when I first got the idea for The Stoner & The Blind girl.
          As of now, I plan to focus on finishing Coffee & Cigarettes. Please have patience. New chapters are coming. Any other project I had will remain on hold for now. 
          If you’ve made it this far, thank you for reading and for your understanding. I couldn’t have made it this far without you.


          So you may have noticed that I disappeared this last month. The truth is my health has taken a turn. And when I’m not working I’ve spent all my free time visiting doctors, getting ultrasounds, biopsies, shots, and taking medicine that makes me too drained to do anything else.
          At this point, I don’t know when I’ll get better again. And, it scares me to think there is a chance I might not be able to finish telling all the stories that I wanted to.
          I feel like I’ve wasted so much time and I’m sorry to everyone that I left waiting.
          I’ll do my best to finish Coffee & Cigarettes since I know that is the story that most of my readers care about.
          Once I finish that story, I’ll have no choice but to take a hiatus from writing and Wattpad to focus on my health. Thank you for understanding and thank you for taking the time to read my work. I wish I had the words to describe how much it’s means to me knowing something I created meant something, even just a little bit, to someone other than myself. So really, thank you.


@Hyacinthus4 sorry for the delayed response, thank you that really means a lot 


@byteendreams  hope you get better 


Someone just left me know that part 4 of ‘Through Think & Thin’ never published. I’m sorry about the delay. I scheduled it but it looks like something went wrong. I’ll be publishing part 4 manually when I get home later today.


*New Story Alert*
          I've just published a new story titled 'Have You Seen Me?'. If you're interested in a little mystery please check it out!
          Some of you may remember I once had a story titled 'Gone', 'Have You Seen Me?' is based on that same original story but reworked. I'm excited to share more of my stories now as I get closer to finishing 'Coffee & Cigarettes'! 
          'Coffee & Cigarettes' is still my main focus for now. So, I plan to start updating 'Have You Seen Me?' regularly once C&C is completed.