I spend most of my time procrastinating against sleep, work, writing, art...the list goes on. Instead, I mostly read.

I'm pretty shy/awkward, so if I don't reply to a message, chances are I've seen it and tried to think of a reply, but chickened out. The fear of somehow saying completely the wrong thing is as paralyzing as it is irrational. 😓🤷‍♀️

Stories in my reading lists (apart from some in my Currently Reading lists that I haven't made up my mind about yet) have earned the official Caracal Seal of Approval, for whatever that's worth (I'm just some rando, after all). Basically, if I finish and enjoy a story, it gets added.

Fun fact for anyone who reads this far: I collect bones. ☠️😁
  • Έγινε μέλοςMarch 22, 2019

11 Λίστες Ανάγνωσης