
          	Are you happy?" 
          	"In all honesty? No. But I am curious —I am curious in my sadness, and I am curious in my joy. I am everseeking, ever feeling. I am in awe of the beautiful moments life gives us, and I am in awe of the difficult ones. I am transfixed by grief, by growth. It is all so stunning, so rich,  I will never convince myself that I cannot be somber, cannot be hurt, cannot be over -joyed. I want to feel it all —I don't want to cover it up or numb it. So no, I am not happy. I am open, and I wouldn't have it any other way. 
          	—Seeds Planted In Concrete by Bianca Sparacino 
          	Beautiful, absolutely relatable... at least for me ♥


          Are you happy?" 
          "In all honesty? No. But I am curious —I am curious in my sadness, and I am curious in my joy. I am everseeking, ever feeling. I am in awe of the beautiful moments life gives us, and I am in awe of the difficult ones. I am transfixed by grief, by growth. It is all so stunning, so rich,  I will never convince myself that I cannot be somber, cannot be hurt, cannot be over -joyed. I want to feel it all —I don't want to cover it up or numb it. So no, I am not happy. I am open, and I wouldn't have it any other way. 
          —Seeds Planted In Concrete by Bianca Sparacino 
          Beautiful, absolutely relatable... at least for me ♥


I've been trying to communicate with Nick for days and after quite the struggle, the dude's finally decided to talk to me. Another chapter of TBV is now a sure possibility! I was truly starting to get depressed over it. Don't want my most recent baby to go down the waters.
          TBV readers, please be patient with me! ♥


          It's a dangerous thing, pretence. 
          A man ought to know who he is even if he isn't proud to be it. 
          —Daniel Polansky, Tomorrow, The killing 
          I think one of the bravest thing a person can do is acceptance. Acceptance isn't simple because it sprouts from the truth. 
          I often tell people I don't give nor do I want to receive an empty apology. It is fruitless. I rather have a person admit they've wronged me and be unapologetic about it than a person who simply apologizes just for the sake of apologizing, but secretly deny the mistake and vice versa. The problem still sits on the same table you feast on and when the balance is tipped off to the slightest, the war brews once again. 
          On another note, denial leaves no room for growth. How can one set out to transform themselves into a better version if they don't admit to themselves of who they truly are? I think greatness is also through acceptance. Even the effects that spring out of it are raw and undiluted —a strong fortress difficult to destroy. 


Shoutout to @Gauravaaditya for being such an incredible reader to Pariah's Crown! I highly appreciate all your comments and votes and hope you continue enjoying my book! ♥
          @Gauravaaditya is also a writer! Although I haven't dived in to the book yet, 'Near Touch' is a promising paranormal book that I invite exploration together! Please check it out sometime. 


@didakam that is very kind of you. thank you so much! :)
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@Gauravaaditya Thank you so much! Your thoughts on PC are truly awakening all that I set out for the story despite its writing leaning a little on the crusty side! 
            And your writing is phenomenal! Just from the opening chapter, it's already a book you shouldn't miss out on! 
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@didakam the pleasure was truly all mine ☺️ it is one of the finest Werewolf books I've read. Thank you so much for the shoutout! ❤️ I'm so looking forward to you joining the very polarized audience of beautiful readers I've gathered :)
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          Why is it 
          that when the story ends 
          we begin to feel all of it 
          —The sun and her flowers 
          Only when I've burnt down the bridges do I realize that there's no other way reaching you and now —now that I can only stare at you from a distance, I'm shaken by the thought that there's no telling when I'll hold you in my arms again. If only I could go back... if only I could do it all over again... anew. 
          Then I catch myself...
          me: 'dida, it was never meant to come off this intense. It was just a book!' 
          also me: 'But it was a really good book.' 
          another me: 'you can always read it all over again.' 
          me nonetheless: 'I could. I probably would, but it is never the same. It will never be... anew.'


Chapter Two of Pariah's Crown is up for the reading!
           I don't know if rushing my updates is a good thing or a bad thing, but I'm certain it's all because these are chapters have been long written. I wonder if it will come easy when I've reached my limit of written chapters >_<
          Apologies to my TBV readers, I love you lots and I will update another chapter as soon as I get over my writer's block. ♥