
/ᐠ - ˕ -マ⁩ ㆍᶻz ㆍupdate… June 10th, 2024
          	THE GRAPHYS 2024 — SUBMISSIONS 
          	Think you've got what it takes to make waves? Then dive in and submit your creations! This is your chance to bask in the spotlight and maybe even take home some shiny awards. 
          	Find out more about “The Graphys” here:
          	Come join us on our Discord server, specifically curated for this event:
          	And not to forget, share your submissions with us through this Google form: 
          	Keep sharing the news with your friends and fellow creators, help us reach as many artists and designers as possible! 
          	stay safe and healthy everyone <3 


/ᐠ - ˕ -マ⁩ ㆍᶻz ㆍupdate… June 10th, 2024
          Think you've got what it takes to make waves? Then dive in and submit your creations! This is your chance to bask in the spotlight and maybe even take home some shiny awards. 
          Find out more about “The Graphys” here:
          Come join us on our Discord server, specifically curated for this event:
          And not to forget, share your submissions with us through this Google form: 
          Keep sharing the news with your friends and fellow creators, help us reach as many artists and designers as possible! 
          stay safe and healthy everyone <3 


/ᐠ - ˕ -マ⁩ ㆍᶻz ㆍupdate… June 1st, 2024
          Hey folks — Happy Pride Month! 
          Let's celebrate love, acceptance and all the amazing people in the LGBTQ+ community! This month is all about being uniquely ourselves and supporting others in doing the same. 
          Remember, every color in the rainbow flag represents something special: sex, life, healing, sunlight, nature, magic and art, serenity, and spirit. As writers, readers, artists and designers we all already bask in turquoise, which stands for magic and art. Let’s take this month as a reminder that there’s so much more we can learn out about ourselves, so many more colors to shine with! 
          So, whether you're out and proud, an ally or just learning, let's make this month special. Share a story, wave a flag, or just be there for a friend and most importantly, be kind to one another. Every act of love and acceptance makes a difference! 
          I’d like to take this chance and remind you all of eggyeuls’ wonderful partner @PrideReads, a community our lovely @plutointhestars crafted and is doing her best in nourishing it. 
          For Pride Month she’s hosting a bunch of fun activities on the PrideReads server: but we also launched a new graphic shop called “Pride in Design” on PrideReads’ Wattpad: which I’m honored to support as a graphic designer too! 
          Let’s bring a burst of colour and creativity to your screens this Pride Month! 
          stay safe and healthy everyone <3 


*June 2nd, oops… istg my sense for time and week days is getting dangerously close to actual dementia 


/ᐠ - ˕ -マ⁩ ㆍᶻz ㆍupdate… June 1st, 2024
          THE GRAPHYS 2024
          That’s right, I’m launching my first ever award.
          “The Graphys” aim to connect and celebrate artists and designers from all over Wattpad, no matter the language they speak or what skill-sets they possess! 
          Find out more about “The Graphys” here:
          And come join us on our Discord server, specifically curated for this event:
          Do share the news with your friends and fellow creators, help us kick off the promo phase and reach as many artists and designers as possible! 
          stay safe and healthy everyone <3


/ᐠ - ˕ -マ⁩ ㆍᶻz ㆍupdate… May 31st, 2024
          You read that right! Earlier this year I dug up an old (2022 lol) idea from my countless drafts and started revamping it, even got some real cool special guests on board with me. So you better keep an eye out on your notifications…
          'cause we’ll LAUNCH IT TOMORROW! 
          Yep yep, fresh out the revamp-oven. Hoping for your support (and that Wattpad isn’t as d3ad as we keep joking about, yikes), see you tomorrow!
          Stay tuned, safe and healthy everyone <3


@eggyeuls ヽ(⌐■ u ■)ノ♪♬ <33


@eggyeuls bin auf jeden Fall sehr gespannt HEHE ❤️


          There has been a book posted on Wattpad called “Rotten Egg” and there’s reason to consider it being about/directed at me. Here’s the link for further context, please do listen to and respect any experiences shared:
          I also prepared a statement in response to subjects addressed, which can be read here: . Again, please do listen to and respect any experiences shared. 
          Feel free to read through anything or don’t, that’s entirely up to you. BUT: should you read through the material provided, don’t go harass anyone in any way, remain respectful if you voice out your own experiences, opinions, thought and feelings. 
          I’ve reached out to the other party directly too, as far as I had the options too. That’s all I have to show or say about this matter — no intent of stirring drama, just providing transparency and insight on both POV’s, hoping that seals the matter at least publicly. 
          Thank you, stay safe and healthy! 


Hello dear Laura
          I just want to inform you that i unpublished my books to edit them (As my writing methods changed a bit and i also changed my username [I'm Rosa the killer]) & two of my books had ur works as covers
          I have the covers on them & just for editing the books aren't published.
          So please know that i will bring them back soon & don't change the lovely covers you made for me


Aww hey love! Thanks for letting me know, I’ll make sure to put them back to the reading list with my covers when they’re back up. Also, thank you so much for the sweet words and compliments, I appreciate them a lot <3 
            Hope you’ll have a good time working on your books, wishing you all the best! 


I just wanted you to know that use ur works as covers & it's temporary that books are unpublished


/ᐠ - ˕ -マ⁩ ㆍᶻz ㆍupdate… March 30th, 2024
          Join Our Team on @PrideReads !
          We are recruiting new members to join our welcoming team and fill a variety of roles! Currently, we are looking for skilled Project Managers, Book Reviewers, Contest Judges, Graphic Designers and Discord Moderators!
          If you're interested in becoming a valued member of our team, please fill out our application form which can be found here:
          We look forward to welcoming you soon! And feel free to share these news with your fellow Wattpad'ers!
          stay safe and healthy everyone <3


          I'm sorry for post a message here but i see you're a wattpad ambassador & i need to ask something 
          May i?! Is it ok?


Hey! It’s completely fine, you can also dm me if you want to and we can see if I can be of help for you! (: 


Wow just realised I wasn't following you until now (how is that even possible?) 
          Can't answer your comments on my portfolio (it happens sometimes also with other users), is it normal ?


Hmm, that sounds like a bug. Try logging out, checking the App Store for updates (regarding Wattpad app), log back in and see if it works again? Otherwise definitely send a ticket to the Wattpad support. Or try deinstall and re-install the app maybe? 