
chapter 2 is up with 5 hours left before the deadline for ONC round two! enjoy <3


Just finished cruel summer and absolutely loved it!! (And the Taylor Swift reference;)), but was wondering if you’re still thinking about writing a book about Issy?:)


@ellecarrigan totally understand!! Take your time and thanks for the response :)


@sambaa04 hi! Yes I absolutely still have Issy's book planned, I've just been in a total creative burnout for the last few months, but I do still want to write her story;


          So, I totally burned out in December and didn't realise how mentally drained I was but it's been more than 3 months and I think I'm finally getting my writing mojo back! I'm determined to make it to the next round of Open Novella Contest, which means writing another few thousand words in the next couple of days, and I'd love to get back into writing for Camp NaNoWriMo in April! I've been suddenly inspired the last couple of days so fingers crossed, my creative mojo is returning ... here's hoping. Sorry for going off the grid - I've had no energy for writing or Wattpad or Instagram at all, but I think I'm ready to come back if you'll have me!
          - Elle <3


@ ellecarrigan  Hi author, welcome back. <3 Enjoy writing and take care of yourself. :-)