
I would like to apologize for not updating in a super long time. I have school, marching band, and am in my School’s musical so I have a busy life. I will update when I can and if I have the time. Currently I am working on the next chapter to I’m from Gotham, this Shot is in my Blood, and a one-shot for my one shot book. I will post them when finished but until then please be patient.


@emilyphee impatiently waits/lh


Hey just a heads up another Wattpad I don't want to say any names said there's a rumor going around that stories are getting deleted it there ongoing and haven't updated in a while they don't know if it's true but just in case it is you might want to do what there doing a stamp in as completed even though they aren't so you don't loose all your hard work


@SharitaPatterson  Thank you so much for the heads up!


I would like to apologize for not updating in a super long time. I have school, marching band, and am in my School’s musical so I have a busy life. I will update when I can and if I have the time. Currently I am working on the next chapter to I’m from Gotham, this Shot is in my Blood, and a one-shot for my one shot book. I will post them when finished but until then please be patient.


@emilyphee impatiently waits/lh


Exiting News!!!
          First and foremost I would like to apologize for the really slow updates on Sorry HawkMoth. I am having a hard time finding inspiration for the story. Now on the the good news, I finally have a Ao3 account and all my stories will be posted there as well! The stories on Ao3 will be better edited then the ones here on Wattpad. I will not remove my stories from here but the ones reposted on Ao3 will definitely be better quality and probably have some rewritten chapters. The fist story I will be moving is Marinette Kent and you can already find the first chapter there. My Unsername will be emmy_phee, and I can’t wait to continue to make stories for you  all!
          Lots of Love


Hi, I just wanted to say I love you and your books , I read two so far and I'm in love with them , they're soooooooooo great 


Awwww thank you so much!! Ily ❤️✨


I know some people have problems with my new costume designs for the characters. All the characters are normally aged up to 16-17. I do this so I can make more adult themes if I wanted. I know some people have problems with the costumes and have concerns about them. I try to draw them as if they are in the DC universe like Wonder Woman, Black Canary, Vixen, etc... the reason I started these stories was because I was drawing all this fan art and wanted to share it with others. So when I got comments criticizing the art weather that was the person’s intention or not, made me not want to draw so in relation come up with stories. I love this weird and wacky fandom and want to continue making stories and draw fan-art but I wanna ask should I continue to draw? I’m not sure if I could continue making stories if y’all think I shouldn’t. I have so many more stories planned and the wanting to draw for them however I can hear the “she’s showing to much skin” and the “ignoring that drawing”. And no hate to the people who don’t like my art, everyone is entitled to their own opinions, it just wears me down yeah know? So is it worth it? Would y’all still want me to draw and make stories? Again no hate to those people everyone is entitled to their own opinions I’m just asking


@emilyphee Of course why would I not like art that is awesome and I’m glad my comment made your day 


@Ramos56789 thank you so much!!! I’m glad you like my art, it honestly makes my day!


@emilyphee Your art is amazing don't listen to the haters. I love your art and the only thing that should matter is what you like and what you think of it don't let other people bring you down. Now your stories are awesome they are some of my favorites. You do your thing and don't let anyone tell you what you can and can't do