
Obsessed has 700 votes thats literally insane i remember how excited i was to get 7 kajdsmkdsmsj


Hello Lunar, I love your books. I read your ‘obsessed’ fanfiction, and its so amazing. I love that there are so many chapters which are so short but so enjoyable.  You should go on with his writing, i love everything about it. Great work 


I've just posted the first chapter for a brand new work!! I'm really excited about it and even though its a different ship than my other work I hope people check it out because I'm already working rly hard on it. its called a crack in the foundation (lowercase for aesthetic lol) and its a drarry fanfiction. If you read it i hope you like the intro chapter!!!


what if i just like... started writing fanfic again... lol


@MiinaWolf thank you so much! i love writing and i love harry potter so i will definitely be writing more for that fandom. it means so much to me that people genuinely liked my writing, especially when ive been away from it for so long :)


if you do can it please be harry potter fanfic because obsessed was probably the best fanfic i have ever read


Ok, how do u have such a small amount of followers?! Ur fudging Amazing! I can't! Y?! U deserve sooooo many more!


Ur welcome! And it's not a complement, it's just the truth❤


this message may be offensive
I feel so sad when people don't like themselves. Your number one supporter is always you, because you're an amazing person. It's so fucked up when people tear others down just because they haven't learned to support themselves. K rant over gn