
Hello everyone! As you can see my Fourth Wing fan fiction -- "Teagan Riorson" has just had a little update. Lol, I decided that I really wanted to change the aesthetic of the book -- especially the cover and name as if I'm going to write more book they can't all be named 'teagan riorson 1, 2, 3, etc.' haha. Look forward to some more changes!!! I'M EXCITED.


Hello everyone! As you can see my Fourth Wing fan fiction -- "Teagan Riorson" has just had a little update. Lol, I decided that I really wanted to change the aesthetic of the book -- especially the cover and name as if I'm going to write more book they can't all be named 'teagan riorson 1, 2, 3, etc.' haha. Look forward to some more changes!!! I'M EXCITED.


I just found your work and I can't wait to read more of it. Do you have facebook or instagram that can be followed? I would love to follow you if you don't mind.


@nanana_na13  Hi! I'm so glad you like the story so far. Unfortunately, at the moment I don't have any social media. Maybe in the future... :) Thanks for the ask, though!