
@FrolenZan I think I've said this, but I would not mind the Hound as much if he was a willing henchman of Salem, or whoever I make the main antagonist of RWBY.
          	A S.E.W. being turned into a Grimm against their will is an idea anyone could come up with, but an S.E.W. choosing to work for for the villains, and making himself a suit of Grimm Liquid because he knows his Silver Eyes will protect him is much more interesting, in my opinion.
          	What do you think?


@farmerabe the shock factor for one. If you can justify it, it would be an interesting take. OC’s are annoying, and some random S.E.W would be a missed opportunity, and any back story you come up with, will still pale in comparison if Summer were the betrayer.
          	  It’s a plot device that has been done, but rarely if ever well. The protagonist is a hero because of the admiration to a previous hero, only to then down the line realize that  the previous hero is now a villain.
          	  If done well, the reveal would not only be surprising, it would be even more compelling if you can justify the betrayal.


@FrolenZan Why Summer specifically?


@farmerabe make that S.E.W. Summer, and find away to make it work and you’ll have the beginnings of a masterpiece.


@FrolenZan I think I've said this, but I would not mind the Hound as much if he was a willing henchman of Salem, or whoever I make the main antagonist of RWBY.
          A S.E.W. being turned into a Grimm against their will is an idea anyone could come up with, but an S.E.W. choosing to work for for the villains, and making himself a suit of Grimm Liquid because he knows his Silver Eyes will protect him is much more interesting, in my opinion.
          What do you think?


@farmerabe the shock factor for one. If you can justify it, it would be an interesting take. OC’s are annoying, and some random S.E.W would be a missed opportunity, and any back story you come up with, will still pale in comparison if Summer were the betrayer.
            It’s a plot device that has been done, but rarely if ever well. The protagonist is a hero because of the admiration to a previous hero, only to then down the line realize that  the previous hero is now a villain.
            If done well, the reveal would not only be surprising, it would be even more compelling if you can justify the betrayal.


@FrolenZan Why Summer specifically?


@farmerabe make that S.E.W. Summer, and find away to make it work and you’ll have the beginnings of a masterpiece.


Give me some Creatures of Grimm you think RoosterTeeth handled poorly, and I will tell you how I would make them more dangerous.


@RonSigma Salem is easy- just make her an actual Grimm, and give her the ability of every other Grimm.
            I would also make it so that when she is killed, she does not just reform. Instead, the existence of human negativity feeds her dark power, and allows her to reincarnate further down the line.


@KamenRiderMerlin0598 imagine the Beringals growing smarter and smarter the longer they fight humans/Faunus - especially when they start to pick up on their way of moving and fighting.
            After all; Monkey See, Monkey Do.


Honestly I would say the Beringel was kinda done dirty during I think Volume 4? Like during Ruby reintroduction into the season.
            I would’ve expected a gorilla esc Grimm to be more intimidating to be honest. Maybe a bit bigger but not too gigantic and was much harder to kill.
            Plus how intelligent would it be compared to regular beowulves?


@FrolenZan You know, part of me is kind of bummed that Salem never had a true Grimm as a member of her council.
          How cool would it have been for her to have like some Grimm Knight as a personal bodyguard?


@FrolenZan Well, it's either a Jaune fic or an Adam fic.


@farmerabe Sure, but again it’s overdone and such an obvious thing to do it borders on Novice level writing. If you want to make an original Grimm knight, or turn an already existing character into a Grimm knight, go for it.


@FrolenZan Yeah, you're probably right.
            It never would have worked in RoosterTeeth's hands, anyway.
            That doesn't mean it wouldn't work in my hands, though, right?


I am almost done with Chapter 6 of Beacon's Bloody Bull, but I could use some feedback from you guys before I finish writing it:
          Who is the first character you want to see Adam spar against in this series?


@farmerabe Honestly, Ren. In most fanfics I've seen where our bull goes to Beacon, Adam usually fights with everyone else but Ren. I think it would be a pretty interesting fight, especially since Ren has never had a one on one fight in the series.


Hey guys, Adam Taurus here. Yeah, the narrator guy got lazy, so I stole his computer while he was sleeping to have some fun.
          Well, RoosterTeeth is dead now. I'm not gonna shed tears for them, though, because they totally ruined my character! And all for what, a lousy ship?
          Speaking of ships, since that's so popular in this fandom, I thought it would be fun to share my opinions on them. So here's where you guys come in:
          Each of you give me up to four pairings from RWBY, and I'll tell you my opinion on them. If they happen to feature me, that would be pretty sweet.
          So, do we have any takers?


            Adam (Me) x Weiss: The one true pairing for us, honestly. What better way to show how far the two of us have come than for a Schnee to marry a Faunus, and vice versa? Also, I've always had a thing for short stacks...
            Blake x Jaune: I men, it's all right. Jaune works decently with pretty much any character in RWBY. I do think there are better matches for both of them, though.
            Roman x Neo: I never really got a sense of romance between these two. They have a close bond, but its more familial, in my opinion. Also, I'm pretty sure Roman's one and only love will be money, and Neo chaos.
            Emerald x Mercury: I can't see this one working out. Emerald is desperate for love, but Mercury just doesn't know how to love people thanks to his upbringing. I honestly don't know who I feel worse for.


this message may be offensive
            Adam X Weiss (kinda reminds me of Vegeta and Bulma, Angry bastard X Rich Bastard)
            Blake X Jaune
            Roman X Neo
            Emerald X Mercury


            Jaune x Ruby: The one true pairing for each other. Jaune is an acceptable boyfriend for most of the girls in RWBY, but Ruby herself is one of the few relationships where it really works. Sometimes a doofus is just made for a ditz, you know?
            Qrow x Summer: I can see it, and I like it. Ruby takes after her uncle so much that he might as well be her father anyway. Besides, losing the love of your life (especially if your own Semblance is what killed her) would certainly give a reason for Qrow's drinking problem.
            Sun x Blake: See my response to PhantomAlorNass.
            Jaune x Yang: I don't mind this pairing. Yang likes to take charge in a relationship, and Jaune is one of the few characters who would let her. Still, I think they could both find better significant others for themselves.


Let's say after Ironwood loses his left arm (the one he seared off to stop Watts), he gets the prosthetic replacement outfitted with some built-in weaponry.
          What weapon would his robotic left arm possess? 


@farmerabe I am imagining him having the left arm be fitted with some form of heavy-duty propulsion and repulsion tech, kinda like how the Walloper from Secret Agent Clank operates.
            The kinetic energy of the weapon's charge makes its user dash forward in a lunging punch that knocks away anything hit VERY FAR. Also the charge is not expended until contact is made with an object, terrain or an enemy - so it's spammable (provided you have the Lightning Speed Mod; a Weapon Mod that speeds up the Walloper strike, while reducing windup time. The user also travels much farther in addition to the aforementioned upgrades.) to quickly traverse places in bursts of speed.


@farmerabe Gauss rifle, charged laser beam, flamethrower or slug thrower/shotgun for close encounters.


Let's say Adam and Weiss get married and live in a cabin in the middle of one of the many forests of Mistral.
          How many children would they have, and who would come knocking and causing trouble (a la Baldur from God of War) forcing this unlikely couple into an adventure?


            Maybe two boys and a girl? 
            As for who knocks, Walter White…
            Kidding! I’d say either Winter or Illia, maybe Blake. As for why…
            Jacques stages a coupe in Atlas and it’s now an anarcho-capitalist state run by the SDC.


@ farmerabe  Boy and girl. Mercury Black would knock.


@farmerabe I'm thinking a boy and a girl


It's May 15th.
          Happy Birthday, Weiss! I hope your friends and Adam got you something nice this year!
          Oh, and RoosterTeeth officially closes today, so R.I.P., I guess.


            Adam: I got you this necklace Weiss!
            Weiss: It’s beautiful! Where in the world did you find this?
            Adam: Well…
            *Sirens wail in the background*
            Weiss: Adam, DID YOU ROB A JEWELERS SHOP!!!
            Adam: *Scoffing* No. *Sirens grow closer* It was a Convention Center Show!
            Weiss: ADAM!