
I couldn’t wait any longer so here it is!!! Expect the first chapter tomorrow or the day after!!


          So about my new book "side character".. there are like two chapters pre written, but I haven’t touched that book since release half a your ago‍♀️ I also kinda paused one piece meaning I’m not really into it rn, but I’m sure that will get better once I finished some other stuff. So I decided, I will edit the book for now and once I’m happy with it, I will upload it again.
          However! I‘m really a fan of the new Anime windbreaker, I found the manga before I even knew it will be an Anime and I loved it, so I started writing a new book about one of my favorites, Kaji. I have already some chapters prewritten, I’m working on the cover rn, but expect this book in like two weeks
          I‘m really excited about this and yee 
          Hope you have a wonderful day, and have fun reading some fics! 
          Bye bye, your Author Asta! 
          (Yes I changed my name from flipp to Astaroth/ Asta because well, liked it more and it‘s basically my name in genshin, hsr and WuWa, so ye) 


Hey there people!
          Uhh yeah.. my original plan was to write and update as much as I can but uhhh… I can’t really do that right now… I am so stressed out lately! I‘m in my exam phase rn, I have driving school and I have a horse to care for, apart from that it’s already dark at 5 p.m. and most of the times i have school until 3:15 p.m. .. so I have barely time for myself 
          Over the last 2-3 weeks I lost almost 2 kg due to stress, even tho I normally have a pretty stable weight.. I am sick rn and I have bad backache since a month or so.. I really wanna write but I barely have time, on a normal day nowadays i maybe have one hour for myself to do what I want before going to sleep (also I lack sleep for a few weeks now since I wouldn’t be able to fit everything in otherwise) of course I could write in that time but I would like to use it to maybe play genshin, watch anime, read manga, Wattpad etc. since it’s only a short amount of time 
          Then why am I writing this? I just wanted you to know that I might need some time before I update any book again, however my goal is to finish godly before the end of 2023 even if it’s the last day! 
          Anyways I hope you don’t have as much stress as I do, rest well 
          Bye bye, your author :>


Heyaaa!! Like I already said in the latest chapter of godly, today is not only my birthday but also the day that my next fanfiction is anounced it‘s a one piece ff and i‘m really excited for this one!! I might start updating the story regularly once i‘m finished with godly which should be around november ^^
          Anyways, here’s the story!!
          Check it out and be excited once it will be officially updated!!


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          Did I just startet two new stories without even finishing godly? I totally did! 
          So yeah, I have spring break(?) next week. If I find enough motivation I may be able to write godly and maybe even finish it! I‘m also really hyped to write the other two stories, so my focus may be more in that, which could result in godly getting crappy :> I’m mean, personally I don’t like godly anymore, so many plotholes and grammar mistakes, gosh. I wanna raise my book quality with my two new stories to the next level! But this takes time lol 
          Also I have exams in two months and damn, I’m scared  I have no problem with English, even tho it’s pretty much to learn, but I’m scared of German I’m mean I’m able to chose between discussion, interpretation and analysis, and I will probably take interpretation but still if I don’t understand the theme of the poem i fucked up big time, then the whole think is useless, if I choose discussion I have to find arguments which not easy, and I don’t know how to write an analysis because we never did that biology is just learning learning learning so yeah 
          Anyways expect me to update in the next two weeks, if this is not the case I probably lost the motivation I have rn 


@flipptri ooo welp good luck with your exams! i'm rlly excited bout the book! take ur time on updating and don't stress too much :D stay safe now!


Hey guys 
          I know I said I wanted to update more often but well- school keeps throwing work at me and I don’t have that much free time anyways since I have to take care of my pets :> my day rn is literally sleep, school, pets, school, sleep and between reading some nice fanfics. And no I won’t drop godly I just wanted to say that i‘m still alive and it could take some time until I update again
          So yeah sorry 


Hi Guys! I just wanted to wish you merry christmas !!! I got an IPad with a super nice keyboard :) it is really nice to write like this! That means i will definitely write some new chapters of godly to try this new keyboard out!!!
          But oh well, have nice hollydays :)