
what jules wrote to lewis, charlie, and dani (these will not be included in the chapters due to it being from eli's pov) 
          	I know this isn't what we expected, old friend. I did promise you that I would do something great and I can say with pride that I did. And you know exactly what I'm talking about. You see exactly what I see and I need you to make sure she gets exactly where she's supposed to be. I wish I could be there to help you, but you will be better to her than I ever could. Take care of our dear Lily for me, you'll need each other. 
          	Your old friend, Jules
          	My dear boy. I know you must be feeling a lot right now, but I do not want you to turn that into anger. You are such a bright soul, do not let a tragedy take that away from you. You have so much to give this world. And you have to keep fighting. Do not forget who got you to the places you are. You didn't do this alone. 
          	Also, please do not forget your sister. She is the other half of your soul, in more ways than you can realize now. You may be angry with her, but do not become your father because of a broken heart. Shine but do not blind. 
          	All my love, Jules 
          	We have come far, old friend. And I cannot believe that we got to live this dream together. But now you have to keep it going, not just for me but for you too. You're going to be a champion and I know the world will see how much you can bring if you just keep pushing. Don't let them change a single thing about you. 
          	And take care of Lily. She will need you and you will need her. It's going to be hard, I know. But you two will get through it together. Find the people you can lean on and live. For you. And of course, for me. 
          	Never stop smiling, Jules


@forgottenrevelry_ The way he knew Charlie was gonna be mad at her 


um hate to be that person but this is my emotional support bookso update?


@devonnnnn it's coming out in the next couple hours, swear pookie


what jules wrote to lewis, charlie, and dani (these will not be included in the chapters due to it being from eli's pov) 
          I know this isn't what we expected, old friend. I did promise you that I would do something great and I can say with pride that I did. And you know exactly what I'm talking about. You see exactly what I see and I need you to make sure she gets exactly where she's supposed to be. I wish I could be there to help you, but you will be better to her than I ever could. Take care of our dear Lily for me, you'll need each other. 
          Your old friend, Jules
          My dear boy. I know you must be feeling a lot right now, but I do not want you to turn that into anger. You are such a bright soul, do not let a tragedy take that away from you. You have so much to give this world. And you have to keep fighting. Do not forget who got you to the places you are. You didn't do this alone. 
          Also, please do not forget your sister. She is the other half of your soul, in more ways than you can realize now. You may be angry with her, but do not become your father because of a broken heart. Shine but do not blind. 
          All my love, Jules 
          We have come far, old friend. And I cannot believe that we got to live this dream together. But now you have to keep it going, not just for me but for you too. You're going to be a champion and I know the world will see how much you can bring if you just keep pushing. Don't let them change a single thing about you. 
          And take care of Lily. She will need you and you will need her. It's going to be hard, I know. But you two will get through it together. Find the people you can lean on and live. For you. And of course, for me. 
          Never stop smiling, Jules


@forgottenrevelry_ The way he knew Charlie was gonna be mad at her 


          new chapter will be out within a few hours, putting the finishing touches on it while trying to get a jump start on finals. however, a few questions! 
          1) would you all like a playlist for this book? 
          2) would you prefer this to be one book or separated into a series? 
          3) would you like, with chapters, if i put out silly little character dynamic posts on the message board? 
          love you all and the next chapter is rough so have tissues ready, and please send all your therapy bills to my PO box 
          much love from your fav author 


Hiiii about to read the new chapter but, 
            1)I think a playlist would be very cool
            2)idk it might seem more approachable as a separate book once it's done just because it feels like it's gonna be really long, and once it's finished, seeing a book that had 159 chapters seems daunting ‍♀️
            3) omg that would be adorable 


super excited for the new post! 
            1) up to you, for me it doesn’t really make a difference 
            2) i think one book is better!
            3) ahaha  sure if you want