
Please check out the update on the book. Sorry :(
          	Let me know if you want any closures for any of the characters. Love love, bye snakers<3333


Hi loves! 
          Changed the name and cover art, i realised there wasn't much about the "rebirth" of Alessia in the story so i decided to strike it out. On the other hand, readers know how roses and guns are important to the story so i put that in instead. I realised the story was going towards the mafia side of Wattpad so well- i decided to capitalise on that. I might even change the bio to fit the asthetic further. 
          Let me know your thoughts! 
          Since this is the first draft, alot of things will change, striked out, added. Please excuse the writer for that :)
          To summarise, 
          pretty basic but basic bitches are cool.


The gun wrapped by roses picture is from 
            support the artists guys!


قد تكون الرسالة مسيئة
OH HI HI I DIDNT SEE YOU THERE HI. Oh my god, there are like 10k people who read the story that's insane. Well due to school and other shit, I haven't been updating at all, although I've started writing again. I don't know what it is with wattpad, but I cant seem to start another chapter. its exhausting I've been trying for like 3 days now, I'm so sorry for the delay people. I'll update as soon as the issue has been resolved. Anyways, THANK YOU SO MUCH FOR ALL THE LOVE ITS CRAZY!!!!


HI so some facts about me;
          1. I celebrate diwali
          2. Since I do, I have been SWAMPED by the festivities that ended just yesterday! 
          3. Due to diwali celebrations, I couldn't complete the chapter I was working on, so the update might come sometime between late evening today to before Wednesday. From Wednesday onwards, the update will be regular I promise!! 
          4. I recently got a big STACK of books and if you haven't read 'Red White and Royal blue' PLEASE DO DHISNSJSKS ITS SO GOOD SHKSSN