
your book Dr.profiler is similar to another book. I forgot the title but maybe Yk  since your books are alike but again not? Idk Oc in the book leaves the fbi bc she got kidnapped and couldn’t handle the fbi anymore so she becomes a surgeon bc she’s like extremely smart and stuff so she moves to Seattle ? Greys anatomy duh * que the laughing emojis * Anyways she falls in love with Derek but then Addison comes and so she leaves bc when she finds out about Addison she gets a phone call saying Spencer has been kidnapped. When she’s back it’s like season two in greys anatomy and mark is there but mark came with Derek’s mom and someone tried killing Derek’s mom and so the police station call the OC bc they know of her and stuff and like she helps capture The person trying to kill Derek’s mom. Anyways the grammar is horrible bc I wrote this really fast. Anyone who is reading this and know the author who wrote this book PLEASE tell me bc I’ve been wanting to reread it FOREVER even though the book wasn’t finished but anyone please help LOL