
Congrats and huge shoutout to @alpaljames @LiebeKlara @MiyaHikari @SuVida777 and @MusicalKehleigh for winning the 'BEST OF' categories!! You were all amazing <3


Hey ! Sorry for disturbing you but I saw that you had submitted your story to the good reads site. I'm also interested in this platform and would love to hear about your experience on this site if you'd like to share it. ( if not it’s not a problem ) thank you in advance ☺️. 


Hey would you mind posting all of The Omen Girl's previous covers somewhere, maybe as a bonus chap? It'd be cool to see all of them plus I really miss the first one but I can't even remember what it looks like anymore :')


@the_plum_girl aw, sure! I'll whip something up sometime :)


Wattpad is acting wonky on my browser...unable to see any comments in the contest book. Will keep trying, and will update when I can! In the meantime, the deadline for the 'Best Of' awards (Best Blurb, Best Cover, etc.) is coming up in a week. Get your submissions in if you're interested!
          Happy Easter everyone! <3


@WendyyWolfe Whoaaa I had no idea about the CMEs! That's kinda super cool (our Wattpad glitching tho not so much lol)


            Not so much ... (⁠。⁠•́⁠︿⁠•̀⁠。⁠)   But scientifically it is cool.. :) 


            Same. .... I am wondering if it is the coronial mass ejections coming from the sun. There have been like 3 this week. Otherwise idk bc mine is crappy all week ugh.  Keeps on glitching and generally acting weird. 


Hi guys!! Exciting news!! The Omen Girl will be published with Wattpad Books, fall 2025!
          This all still feels like a dream (it's definitely a dream come true), and I'm beyond grateful. To celebrate, I've decided to re-open the Open Door series: critiques, book club, the works!
          I can't believe I'll be able to hold a physical copy of the book soon. I can't believe I'll be able to read it to my baby one day!! Thank you for journeying with me so far. See you guys in the next chapter! ❤️❤️❤️


@grendelthegood Belated CONGRATULATIONS!!!!! I still fondly think of The Omen Girl and cannot wait to get a copy of it once it's published :)


@thatcharmingcreator your words are so, so immense ❤️  I'm touched and honored. I hope to see you/hear from you again once the book comes out!! I'll be building up some social media presence as well going forward, so I really hope to see you around!!


This is so exciting! I read Omen Girl a few years ago, and it’s been written into my heart since. Few stories have touched me so deeply. Naqi and Sozo are there amongst some of my favorite characters, and your writing is just brilliant. It is truly the best story I’ve ever read on Wattpad, and an absolute masterpiece (and I use the word rarely). All this to say, I’m so happy! You deserve all the success and more, and I’m so pleased that your story is going to reach an even wider audience now! 
            Seriously, you’re one of my biggest inspirations as an author. If I could ever get my prose half as lovely and dreamlike and poetic as yours, I would be delighted. 


I emerge once more! Hi guys!! ❤️❤️❤️
          Four months ago, my plump baby was born. And today, my new book has also been born. Woo! It feels bizarre writing again after so long and in the midst of such a flurry of a time, BUT. I'm excited to see where this frenzy might take us >8)
          Anyone got any juicy advice for a new mother, and for starting a new book??


Congrats!  No advice. I’m a mom too and there is too much advice sometimes. Instead I hope you are well. I know a lot of moms find things get hard around this stage just as you expect it to get easier. I came looking for more of your writing. Do you have published books?  I loved Omen Girl. It was so beautiful. 




@grendelthegood Congratulations! Hope you can get rest AND get some writing done! But whatever you do, take care of yourself!


I don't know how new that cover is on The Omen Girl, but I just noticed it and I like it! Nice!


@grendelthegood Oh, that's a nice benefit. I don't do any artwork until it's time for a cover, so it's not my strong point...!


@JonLeePeto thank you!! it's something Wattpad whipped up for the Paid Program <3