
Excuse, hi there @hhwayi's.
          I was just wondering if you are going to update your Jack Frost fanficticon anytime soon? ^^


Anytime soon... highly unlikely  In the future? For sure. I’m stuck with my studies and barely have given any thought to writing, but I’m planning on continuing all my drafts when I get the chance. It’s nice to see people wanting more though, and I hope to be able to provide that eventually ^^


HI~ YES YOU! You're my 614th follower and I promised I'd give u one of my lame surprise packages (okay you probably have no idea what I'm talking about) but anyways... Umm lame jokes huh... 
          How many South Americans does it take to change a light bulb?
          A Brazilian. 
          HAH. THAT'S A KNEE SLAPPER. (I totally didn't steal that off of Buzzfeed shhhhh) 
          If I had to make a joke myself it would sound something like dis: 
          What rhymes with boy?
          Toy cuz that's all they are. 
          (Please I'm joking I'm not actually sexist OKAY BYE THANKS AGAIN FOR CLICKING THE BUTTON ON MY PROFILE BYEEEE)


@ParkBacon that last one got me lol
            no prob though, you deserved the follow