

ok I have a new story in the works its really different from any of my other stories as it is a little more dark and twisted but I found myself intrigued to write it down as the main characters have a very complex relationship that I have never explored before so now and I am daring myself to explore it and see where it goes and take you on the ride with me, anyway I have done  the first few chapters and it is a rough draft so sorry for the grammer mistakes ect


@jayjay33 yaaaayyyyy new story. I literally read all you stories and totally love them❤️ i can't wait to read this one.....so excited!


Just  to let those followers on here still  who have read The Somerton Man I have been going over it and looking back on it there are parts of it, mostly in the middle I want to rewrite and change now.  I was just in such a hurry at the time I was writing it to actually get to the end  because it had been a long time getting it to that point I  felt I didn't flesh out Daniel and Eleanor's characters properly which I am trying to address now,  especially Daniel trying to make him less of a blackguard  and unfeeling even though he is still a bit pathetic hehe.  so I will be posting up the new rewritten chapters soon if anyone is interested in reading it still


Hi, wanted to ask do you think you’ll continue writing characters from Tears of A Clown? My fav 2 books that you’ve written, Mouse and TOAC ❤️ 


@mishapatail  hi i have to say I loved writing those books and creating those characters especially  Ricardo and Melanie  and a few times an idea has floated through my head to make a story on Carlos and the new business venture the family embarked on. But  the inspiration for it never really took hold in my head to make it work in written word  yet,  but you never know it might come better to me sometime in the future so I would say it might be a possibility


I am not sure if  VarishmaVu1 is still around but just wanted to give a heads up I am getting round to doing a sequel of the Bandido's wife called the Bandido's widow now that I have got the main male character a lot clearer in my head.  I am starting on it now and I have two chapters done so far I am pleased with how its turning out and quite excited,  so I can hopefully post  it up soon on wattpad