
Hello my lovelies! 
          	I hope you're all doing well ❤️ I am reaching out to let you know that I will be pausing updates for Alexis of Sparta for a couple of weeks. I'm sorry for this sudden change, but something came up that will be taking up some of my time (that, and I really need to rethink the story a bit). I will be back with a return date once things settle! I sincerely apologize and appreciate your patience ❤️ Alexis' story has grown far bigger than I could have imagined and I have big plans for this series, so do not worry, Alexis will be back ;) 
          	Take care, all you wonderful souls and keep on creating incredible worlds and characters!! 


@Optiniax thank you and I'm so glad to hear you're enjoying it! It's a lot of fun to write too :D


@jusdubs Take all the time you need. I have been enjoying the series so much :)


Hello my lovelies! 
          I hope you're all doing well ❤️ I am reaching out to let you know that I will be pausing updates for Alexis of Sparta for a couple of weeks. I'm sorry for this sudden change, but something came up that will be taking up some of my time (that, and I really need to rethink the story a bit). I will be back with a return date once things settle! I sincerely apologize and appreciate your patience ❤️ Alexis' story has grown far bigger than I could have imagined and I have big plans for this series, so do not worry, Alexis will be back ;) 
          Take care, all you wonderful souls and keep on creating incredible worlds and characters!! 


@Optiniax thank you and I'm so glad to hear you're enjoying it! It's a lot of fun to write too :D


@jusdubs Take all the time you need. I have been enjoying the series so much :)


Hello everyone! Yes, it is I, author of your favourite Alexis of Troy and Sparta! If you haven't noticed yet, chapter 32 just dropped for Alexis of Sparta and it is swoon worthy~ (maybe we should get #teamalexilles going???) 
          Please check out the latest chapter...there is a lot more fun to come ;) 
          Also...for some reason my replies to messages are not going through in the comment section of the chapter. I am trying to get that sorted out! 


Hello my lovelies!
          Goodness...the last time I posted a message here it was in April xD oops... A LOT has been happening in my life and, while it is sort of starting to settle, I'm still trying to juggle a six-day work week with my writing schedule. I've also been super fixated on reading. So, with that, I apologize for the inconsistency with uploading "Alexis of Sparta". 
          Now onto some fun stuff! My 15-year old cat has a pet stroller and I have to say, I am loving taking her out for walks! The weather is getting nicer and I need to get active again, so lots of fun with my old princess! 
          My balcony garden is coming along nicely and I am checking items off my summer to-do list each week! Yay me! 
          And, lastly, I have decided to submit "Loki and the Kindergartners Save the World" for the Wattys this year. I'll be getting to work on editing and rewriting that this summer. That will be my biggest summer writing project besides "Alexis of Sparta" so I hope you have time to check it out!
          How is everyone doing???


Hello you beautiful souls! 
          I want to say a huge congratulations to everyone who made it to the 3rd round of the ONC!!! That is a huge deal and you all deserve a round of applause, gold stars and a treat. Treat yourself. You did it. 
          "The Secrets Libraries Keep" has also made it to the third round and, while I thought for sure I wasn't going to finish it, I might... it's coming down to the wire though so we'll see! I'm really trying to get ahead with "Alexis of Sparta" and "Of Starlight and Gold".
          Good luck to all of you who are gearing up for the end of the contest. You are all superstars!


Hello my friends!
          You may have noticed that another chapter of "Alexis of Sparta" is live! Woohoo! I know you may have been waiting for Sunday updates but, Wednesdays work best. So, moving forward, "Alexis of Sparta" will be updated weekly on Wednesdays! 
          I also got a little keen with all my projects >.< I am a teensy bit overwhelmed. "Awakening" will then be paused until June 1 and I will be pulling The "Secrets Libraries Keep" from the ONC...it was a difficult decision to come to, but my focus right now will be "Alexis of Sparta" and "Of Starlight & Gold". I really need to learn to focus on one or two stories at a time xD
          In the meantime, enjoy the next chapter of Alexis of Sparta! 


Slowly, but surely, I am getting there! Chapter Ten for "The Secrets Libraries Keep" is now live! My story is sitting just over 18k words! Under 2,000 to meet that 20k mark! I think it'll be ready for the end of April...I am going to work my butt off so it is! 
          In the meantime, Bellantiya and Paige are running through the forest being chased by something in the night...dun, dun, duuuuunnnn!!!


Hello everyone! I cannot believe I just disappeared for a couple of weeks o.o there has been a lot going on in my life and time just slipped away...and now I'm here with 10 days left to get my novella edited and submitted! I am a little nervous that this story won't be done in time for the end of the contest. Fingers crossed! 
          In the meantime, chapter nine of "The Secrets Libraries Keep" has officially been posted! Tomorrow is Friday, which means the next chapter for "Of Starlight and Gold" will go live! 
          How is everyone else faring in this year's ONC?? 