
Hey guys what do you think about writing a fantasy but kinda modern story where the main character is a prince that goes to an international boarding school and solves problems in and out of school. The first book might be kinda boring but hopefully the later books would be fun. I already have the ideas for three books. 


Hey guys what do you think about writing a fantasy but kinda modern story where the main character is a prince that goes to an international boarding school and solves problems in and out of school. The first book might be kinda boring but hopefully the later books would be fun. I already have the ideas for three books. 


Do you guys think a full Malay novel would be fine? I’ve imagined about making a series called “Polaroid” where a girl who adores modern fashion finds an old polaroid camera in a textile museum in Kuala Lumpur and goes back in time to the Malacca Sultanate. As the series go on, the girl will get sent to other eras of Malaysia history to learn about Malay culture and Malahsian history while also gaining other moral lessons along the way


Serious question though. How do you guys figure out what your ambitions are? I wanna become a historian who writes books part time and makes historical videos but I'm not so sure;-;


@kakuriyonerd hi I'm at school rn and uhm idk what to be, I want to be an author....


I just found out the surname "Xi" means "to be fond of" but I don't think the characters in Prince Series are very fond of Xi Shao Long ;-;


I googled for fun and found that


Idk man i dont speak chinese


Just found out I'm going to boarding school. No phone but need I Pad. Maybe I can secretly do work? I don't think I'll be free enough for that. I can only use on Mondays(wierd) and I can't use it on other days but a tc on the boarding school Telegram group says I can do it every day but at certain times. Eh


Boarding schools give you more opportunities like a scholarship to go study overseas. It's very good. 


@Definitionofsad it's normal in my country to want your kids to go to boarding school. Someone my grandpa knows had his kid go study in an Islamic boarding school in Kalimantan even though he lived in Malaysia. You have to take an exam to get in and even though I didn't study, I got in the boarding school 