
As was the case for the last two years, I was unable to make the ONC deadline this year due to busyness. I might eventually post my novella here anyway, or I might not, but either way, I wish everyone good luck with the contest!


HIIIII~ y'all, the Open Novella Contest has come out of hibernation, and I've come out of hibernation with it! I haven't decided yet if I will post (or even write) the story idea that's floating around in my brain right now inspired by the prompts, but I WILL be creating reading list(s) of ONC entries just as I have the past few years, so keep your eyes peeled for those! Good luck to everyone who decides to enter!


@LilySennaWrites Hi, nice to meet you, and thanks for stopping by! :) I've got an adult fantasy novella planned for this year's ONC — it's still in the outlining stages at the moment but hopefully I can get to the writing chapters part soon :) Good luck with your entry, and ditto on the wishing you inspiration!


@katandtheuniverse- Hi Kat,
            I've found your name in a book by @chaikovskiy.
            Just popping in to say 'Hi'... How are your plans for the ONC?
            I've written two chapters of my story Chasing Legacy.
            I wish you inspiration!


Hi! just wanted to say hi and give you a great big hug <333


@katandtheuniverse- Awww! No worries---great to hear from you! If you happen to come back 'round here again and see this message and if you have an IG, dm me your handle and we could keep in touch over there maybe? I don't really wattpad much, or at all, but I do use IG now and then. I'm a homeschool mom, so I do mostly Facebook...but like not even much time on there cuz it's terrible. I only love it because of the homeschool community we're part of and keeping in touch with them and playdates and such and okay... ttyl! I am well, thank you! I hope the same for you!!


@Leanniette HIII sorry I've been so MIA omg, it's been almost a year since you left this message D: I hope you're well <333


Two things: First, good luck to everyone who submitted their ONC entries yesterday! As I said before, I am not officially entering due to both time constraints and the fiasco that was the start of the contest, but I will be posting a novella inspired by the contest eventually, so keep your eyes out for that announcement in the coming months! 
          Second, my heart goes out to all Ukrainians around the world, but especially those who live in Ukraine, during this stupid, senseless war that Russia has started. It makes me sick to see all the death and destruction that Russia is perpetrating on innocent Ukrainians who just want to live their lives in peace. My dearest hope is that this conflict will end as soon as possible and not escalate any further than it already has. Please take care of yourselves and stay as safe as is possible in these circumstances. Слава Украïнi!


@katandtheuniverse- Awwn. I hope so too. It's so bad. People who start wars are just stupid and wicked. Stay safe and I send out peace to Ukraine. Much love to all Ukrainians and those residing in Ukraine.


Hey there, thanks for adding my story, A Smile so Sweet it Kills to your reading list! Are you going to be joining the contest? If so I'd love to take a look at yours when it's up!


@BBiel27 You're welcome :) Reading each other's entries and supporting one another is the best part of the ONC! Good luck if you've submitted what you have for the first round :) I will be writing a novella inspired by the ONC prompts, but I don't have the time to enter this year, unfortunately. I will be posting it eventually though!


Hey, Kat. Thanks so much for adding THE ACTION POTENTIAL to your reading list. Love the ONC!!


@writerontheisland Yet! :) I am planning a novella, but because I'm very busy this year, I won't be entering officially, so I don't know when I'll be posting it. I want to eventually, though!


@katandtheuniverse- ... only, I don't see an entry for you ... yet?


@katandtheuniverse- Right? It's such a motivating few months! Best of luck with your entry!


The Open Novella Contest (ONC) has come out of its yearly hibernation, so you know what that means: I'm back! 
          Sadly, there has been a lot of controversy this year surrounding the ONC due to an attempted rule change by Wattpad that was rightfully called out as being extremely predatory and unfair to writers. Due to the backlash, the rules have supposedly been reverted back to their old state. However, I find it hard to trust that things are back to normal after this breach by Wattpad. So it is with a heavy heart that I say that I will NOT be entering this year's contest — at least, not in an official capacity. I plan to look over the prompts, quite possibly write a novella inspired by them, and of course engage with the community as I have for the past 3 years (here and on an old account) even though I will not be entering. Still, it is a shame that Wattpad tried to pull something so backhanded with such a beloved community contest that has never had any official affiliation with Wattpad, and apparently this isn't the first time they have tried to pull something like this. It really makes me question whether this site will continue to be a safe, supportive place to post our works, or if its owners will become greedy enough to ruin a good thing. Wattpad, please don't let us down.


@Cosmic_Radical Basically, when the rules for this year were posted, people quickly zoomed in on an odd clause that would give Wattpad the writer's IP rights for that work forEVER! And for very little compensation, too, but honestly, giving away one's IP rights forever is never a good idea, even if they offer you a lot of money for it. People started rightfully calling Wattpad out on the predatory clause, and the backlash quickly built up so much that it reached Twitter and the Writer Beware group! So Wattpad took down the rules chapter and claimed to have "simplified" the rules back to what they were for previous years, which is some pretty suspicious wording. After that breach of trust, personally, I don't feel comfortable with officially entering the contest anymore, which is a shame, because the ONC has always been such a great contest! I do have a story idea in the works but I don't know when I'll post it here because again, I'm not entering officially so it doesn't really matter if I don't make the deadline, but yeah. That's the situation!


@katandtheuniverse- Oof what did they do? They were getting toxic when I left but I assume they've gotten worse since then?


@JayseHasNoGrace Exactly! It's very disheartening. I hope we won't have to leave eventually :(


Hi, everyone! If you go to my profile and see that "After the Throne" is not there anymore, don't fret — I'm not abandoning it, but until I have more of it written, I've decided to take it down so that its one chapter isn't languishing in the void by itself. I haven't been very active here lately because of university and other irl stuff, but if you want to get in contact with me, I've been marginally more active on my fanfic account. Hope you've been well!


@katandtheuniverse- Thanks for the update. Great to hear you’re still working on it. All the best for the writing - and all the irl stuff :)