
4:46 pm, just finished all my IMO requests for this Sunday. The newest ones always take more time, because I have to get a feel for the writer and the story, which I don't mind at all. Now, I have... 72 notifications to look at? *nervous laughter*
          	Blossom Awards people, as far as I know, results are still on track to be announced June 11th. :D


4:46 pm, just finished all my IMO requests for this Sunday. The newest ones always take more time, because I have to get a feel for the writer and the story, which I don't mind at all. Now, I have... 72 notifications to look at? *nervous laughter*
          Blossom Awards people, as far as I know, results are still on track to be announced June 11th. :D


I may or may not have stayed up until 2 am, first, writing my Substack for today, second, starting Luke's route in Ikemen Prince.
          And I learned right away that I have his character all wrong in ADT, so another round of major editing/rewriting will need to happen in the future. The distant future. Once I finish this round, I need to take a break from ADT. (Although that break might just be me switching over to ABT...)
          Anyway, chapters... I'm so bad at checking before I post... 103 and 104 are up. It's time for the coronation ceremony! And the return of Gilbert, for his fans.
          Now, for IMO stuff. :)


I posted chapters 101 and 102 this morning for y'all. They're about... Hold on, let me check... A midnight ride and the countdown to the coronation ceremony. Along with my absolute favorite line from Theresa. And let me preface this by saying that I'm with Ivetta on this one, but that doesn't mean I can't have fun with Theresa's character. ;)
          “Once, just once, I’d like to see you come back hungover and laid,” she muttered.


Phew! So, some of you guys have already noticed, but I'm compiling a list of all the awards and contests I know about in a book. The reason? Well, first and foremost, I love lists, but secondly, everybody loves awards. And I know firsthand how annoying it is to enter an award and then hear nothing but radio silence. Is it still happening? What's the deal? So, I'm doing the research for you guys. My reading list of awards & contests has 157 books (including duplicates hosted by multiple profiles), and I've transferred 82 of them into my "Archives" book so far (with duplicates merged into a single entry), so I'm over halfway done. I'm back at work tomorrow, and then I need to write my post for my Substack for Sunday, and then Sunday is my editing/feedback/review day, and then work again on Monday, so I probably won't be getting back to this until Tuesday. But go ahead and check it out. If you know of an award I don't have on the list yet, or you have any pertinent updates to the ones on my list, let me know.


Chapters 99 and 100 are up! Triple digits, yay!
          Yes, I will split this up into multiple books later. Eventually. ;)
          Chapter 99 starts us off with some humor, but chapter 100 is one of those that got me a little teary writing it. I've never had that happen before this story, but I've also never worked so hard to put myself in a character's situation to really feel what they're feeling before, either. Anyway, that's your warning. More sadness tomorrow, and then Theresa, along with one of my favorite lines of dialogue from her. :)


Hey guys, just an update about the issues I've been having with scheduling posts. Fun fact, when I downloaded the Wattpad Beta app, all scheduled posts show as published with all pics intact, but those chapters still show as drafts on the regular Wattpad app (for me, anyway). Anyway, went through a lot of troubleshooting, and Support has been responsive and helpful throughout, but it's still not fixed. I'm just going to copy and paste their latest reply here:
          "As we've run through all troubleshooting and testing, I've made a report with all the information you provided and will be keeping an eye out in case anyone else experiences this. Unfortunately, I can't give you a concrete timeline of when this will be fixed, as it's dependent on many factors, including how many users are experiencing this and if it's reproducible on our side. If you know of any other users experiencing this issue please encourage them to submit a Support request. The more data we can collect, the faster we'll be able to escalate this issue and get it fixed."
          So, if anybody else is having a similar issue, please file a support ticket. And, just as a recap, here's what I'm experiencing: I add chapters to a story via the website and schedule them to post later, and they post correctly on the website (and Wattpad Beta app), but they still show as drafts on the regular Wattpad app. When I manually publish them on the app, they lose all the pics, and then I have to go in and manually add those back in. I've also had you guys tell me not all chapters are available on the app, which means it's not just my app acting funky.
          I know there's been a lot of negativity and trust issues between the community and Wattpad lately, but whatever may be going on at the top of the company, most of Wattpad's employees don't make the big decisions. They're just doing their jobs to the best of their ability and trying to work with us. I think it's only fair that we do the same.
          Back to writing. :)


@Somniatormagicus Yeah, for me, it's with the app, not the site. Relogging, and even uninstalling and reinstalling, didn't fix it. :S


@katiegoesmew  I had the same issue with scheduled posts, but when I refreshed the page, Wattpad did show it as published chapters.


Chapters 95 and 96 are up. I really should make a cover for this story sometime instead of using the title image from the game...
          Also, in case it's not obvious, Nokto is my second favorite character after Chev. Too bad I put my favorite characters through the wringer all the time. ;)
          Speaking of which, got a rough chapter for you guys tomorrow, and it's leading into a very emotional section. Brace yourselves.