
Chapter 3 of Love to Hate will be posted today at 5:00 PM EST! 


@kpopfanfictrash yayyy! Thank you!! I'm loving it, as I love all your stories ❤


Just finished reading your story “Raise the Barre” and I literally loved it,every bit of it. It’s literally been a long time that an enemies to lovers story captivated my heart and this story made it through. Thank you for portraying such a wonderful story and also I love Jimin more ❤️


Hey, do you have any book on Joon?


@_jinjin_elmariajin alright thankyou. You please do try my books ❤️


Do read monogamy monologues if you read rich man's crochet club
            It is part 2 with the same characters..;


@Namjoonaahhh Not another holiday romance also


I can't believe I hadn't discovered u till now and now I am realising how much I was missing...your books are chef's kiss and I just.....loooove them 
          I don't think I have actually got so interested in slowburns lol ^^
          Anyways lots and lots of love and support<333
          On my mission to read all your books*__*


I just LOVE your writing! 
          I am your BIGGEST FAN! Seriously not even kidding 
          You write so beautiful and perfect 
          Ohh my god
          If you publish your book one day 
          I am 100% buying
          Love you
          I am about to start your book


@losthisjams_ Hey gurl! You here too? Lmao im loving finding you everywhere! And yk shanna is one of my fav authors too! Her books are written so perfectly and her writing is so comforting! ❤️


Thank you so much!! You are so kind  thank you for reading and interacting -- I hope you have a wonderful day/night! 


The ten days of ex-mas is such a great book like it's sooo good I'm in love like it's sad but hot at the same time I'm in love with jimin like girl your books are soo well written and amazing and it's soo christmas I loved it!!


Thank you so much! I'm very glad you enjoyed The Ten Days of Ex-Mas  this is so nice of you to comment, I hope you're having a wonderful day/night! 


@_minjimochibaby_ I'm currently reading it and it's going well! Can you rate this book if you are already done reading it?