
Hey, I’ve checked some messages lately and a couple people want paper copies of Artist vs QB. I’m going to post it on Amazon if you’re looking for copies. Thanks! Xoxo


@wickedmimi I FOUND it! The name was changed slightly to The Artist VS the Quarterback. Ordered it and my copy will be here Monday! Keep writing Kyle. I love your books!


@kylekay I'm hoping you can tell me where I can find "The Artist and the Q.B. " in print or downloadable. I Have read your book 3 or 4 times and I truly love it!


@kylekay hello Author,
          	  When is the next update on trapped by alpha? It’s a nice story


I see the last time you were onsite was back in 2020 so I've evidently missed you by a few years. Funny how time slips through our hands so easily. Well I'm sure you're fine, living your life with growing kids, and that time my friend slips away the quickest. So always treasure it as I am treasuring your books. You're a very talented writer and I'm happy to have found you. Now I'm off to Amazon lol...


Hi there, I hope you're doing okay. I think your last message was in 2020,  and your readers are kind of worried about you. Your books were one of the first ones I've ever read on Wattpad, and I've always checked out your profile for new updates but there's been zilch for a whiiiile now. I hope you're doing okay and in good health!


@WhenWeWereYoungXi honestly I am worried about her too. Hope she is good. She is one gifted author.  I have re read her books severally 


I love and hate your book fighter it’s so amazingly written that I get mad at the characters because it’s so real to me. The only two decent guy characters are Tyler and Chris. They actually do what’s best for them and they’re the most mature. Alex isn’t mature to me and he’s literally damn near 10 yrs her elder that he known since she was little. Maddox don’t get me started he’s manipulative, he purposely got her pregnant, literally slept with her as a minor and pressured her into everything about their relationship. She’s young and just lost her virginity so obviously she’s gonna have strong feelings about him and I feel he used that against her. Hadley is just unbelievable sometimes especially unaware of other people’s feelings. She literally can’t have it all so let them go when they leave. With how everything is going she can be so selfish when it comes to her feelings. Chris has every right to not talk to her and so does Tyler. Plus leave Alex alone she literally is just dragging him along she’s not good for his mental health if she actually cared and loved them she would understand Tyler’s feelings, leave Alex alone entirely, and give Chris his space. Maddox and Hadley are perfect for each other. 
