
I republished I Chose Dauntless after tweaking some things for guideline things just in case. It’s there otherwise. I’m still rewriting in the background but my rewriting for Run is still priority which is why that’s being updated faster


The next chapter to Run is almost done, if only Docs stops lagging and making my pc run super hot. Tried both my laptops and it’s just not having a good time. Should be out today or tomorrow though, especially if I can sit up at my pc and not have a migraine.


Hey everyone, please take a look at the new content policy released on March 20th. Due to the new rule of characters needing to be 18+ in order to be intimate, I’m going to have to pull down some fics, despite writing them when I was a teen myself. I’m not sure I’m going to be able stay on Wattpad much longer. Most of my stories probably do not violate anything but just not feasible to keep rewriting fanfics that I’ve closed doors on for the time being. 


Anyone interested in some unreleased Blood Lust chapters from when I originally wrote it? I'm having writer's block with Blood Thirst rn lol


@Babymonty10 I'm trying to find them lol. I wrote the original drafts on Word not Docs XD


There will be some updates soon to the following fics:
          -Blood Thirst
          Sorry for just disappearing. Just some health stuff, college, and welcoming my second child into the world <3


@canderloro thank you <3 I'm trying to get a good amount of chapters in drafts to Blood Thirst so that I can update regularly (like I did with Blood Lust). 


@ladycielphantomhive congratulations on the baby and looking forward to reading more of blood thirst


Hello @ladycielphantomhive how are you. I was just wondering if I remember correctly wasn’t there a sequel for your Levi Ackerman book. And if there was what happened to it 


@ladycielphantomhive okay thanks for letting me know. I’ll be looking forward to reading it when it’s reposted 


@canderloro I unpublished it until I can consistently update it as I don't want to have months between each chapter :)