
          	 I've tried my best but it doesn't seem to be good enough for them.
          	I've sacrificed a lot being nice so I can have peace of mind but it just doesn't seem enough.
          	I've cared, I've been selfless but I guess people don't see that side of me but only my flaws.
          	A friendship or relationship must be a two way thing but when it looks one sided, should I just continue to wallow in pain?
          	People only start to complain when things doesn't go their way but they have to realise that things don't always have to go your way.
          	From now henceforth, I will do only the things that make me happy.
          	Don't get me wrong I will still be nice but if I'm not in the mood to lend something or offer help, I'll tell you straight up with my head proudly held high.
          	Without feeling an iota of guilt or remorse for saying NO because it is my choice.


@laughterG I just feel like speaking up and saying NO doesn't make one a bad person. I wanted people to just understand that because it is a often misunderstood phrase.


           I've tried my best but it doesn't seem to be good enough for them.
          I've sacrificed a lot being nice so I can have peace of mind but it just doesn't seem enough.
          I've cared, I've been selfless but I guess people don't see that side of me but only my flaws.
          A friendship or relationship must be a two way thing but when it looks one sided, should I just continue to wallow in pain?
          People only start to complain when things doesn't go their way but they have to realise that things don't always have to go your way.
          From now henceforth, I will do only the things that make me happy.
          Don't get me wrong I will still be nice but if I'm not in the mood to lend something or offer help, I'll tell you straight up with my head proudly held high.
          Without feeling an iota of guilt or remorse for saying NO because it is my choice.


@laughterG I just feel like speaking up and saying NO doesn't make one a bad person. I wanted people to just understand that because it is a often misunderstood phrase.


Thank you for voting and adding my book 'Rowan' to your reading list:)


@TheChristianPrincess no problem, it's actually a nice book by the way.