
i just wanted to say how crazy it is to me that so many people still vote/comment on my outsiders imagines/preferences book. i wrote that when i was 12/13 in middle school and now im gonna be 22 in 2 weeks. the reach fandoms have is crazy


i just wanted to say how crazy it is to me that so many people still vote/comment on my outsiders imagines/preferences book. i wrote that when i was 12/13 in middle school and now im gonna be 22 in 2 weeks. the reach fandoms have is crazy


hey everyone! my GNR imagines and preferences book is almost at 90K! please keep voting, commenting, and sharing if you can! i'd love to see this book hit 100k:) thank you everyone!!! i'm going to try to update as much as possible!


hey all, i'm back and trying to write again:) i just updated my GNR imagines/preferences book and will be making a new cover for it soon. i also unpublished "written in smoke" (again) as i'm going to do a major overhaul on it as my writing from when i was 14 to now has changed a bit, but i'm so excited to get it out to you all again. please comment and vote, i love interacting with everyone! lastly, follow my new GNR instagram account @ 1988.gnr


@sixxmckagan yes that's what i mean! it's about duff so i want to be as accurate as possible so im using his book as a reference 


@lonesome80s I'm talking about Written In Smoke I wondered where you were taking that story I hope that's the one we're both thinking about


@sixxmckagan omg that means so much to me!! i have the first chapter all set but i just got duffs autobiography so i want to try and read a bit of that to do some fact checking and then it will be up and running!!