
Discord conversations? Anybody? 
          	Here's a link to my channel, discuss all your favorite moments from my books:


@mckaylachinyamaqueen It seems that the link has expired. I just downloaded Discord, but no bueno.


Discord conversations? Anybody? 
          Here's a link to my channel, discuss all your favorite moments from my books:


@mckaylachinyamaqueen It seems that the link has expired. I just downloaded Discord, but no bueno.


I wish to remind you all, that I am in the business of LONG SLOW BURN Romance, so if my books are currently frustrating you, I have done my job exceedingly well. :)


@mckaylachinyamaqueen  you promised a double update . It's been a week.  Ps I'm a patient person 


@mckaylachinyamaqueen I hope it's working . I'd be ecstatic  that'll be more than awesome as long as it's alright with you. Thank you for always checking out our comments. It's so great to be able to connect with a writer like you. 


@TryAsh3r1 twice girl? Wow, are you trying to make me birth more chapters, cause it's a whole labour ward when I'm writing Kayos’ Pov. Lol. I'm goad you enjoy the torture of slow burns. For your sake girl, you know what, I’ll squeeze maybe two chapters this week. Not promising, but I’ll do what I can. :)


Hey guys! I know I've been quiet for a while now, but thank you for your patience and all your kind get well wishes in the comments. 
          I'm almost brand new lol and I’m writing again. 
          Just wanted to give ya’ll an update. Thanks for all the new comments on my books! I truly appreciate each kind word. On my bad days I do go back and read comments and laugh away, cause ya’ll are so funny and I'm truly blessed to have a community like you. Have a great rest of the weak :)


@mckaylachinyamaqueen I really did❤️ . Loved Diane. 


@lovelykyhn this made me smile so hard ❤️, Thankyou! I appreciate it. And I’m doing alright ✨


@elii_rvj4 aww thank you, and you’re welcome ❤️


Hey, i just found your book These Hidden Wings (aka Unspoken) and I was wondering when the next update will be. I'm completely hooked,I loved you when you wrote on novelup and I still do. I was also hoping you'd continue with azian's book too since you left us hanging after he shifted,but no biggie at least you continued with Harvest and Talanda. 


Hello there, I appreciate the kind words! I did read your comments and I thoroughly enjoyed your reactions to the book!  Thank you for taking the time to write, I appreciate it btw. Novel up? I'm not familiar with the site. If you could kindly send me the link I’d appreciate it. Unspoken was copied on a number of pirate sites unfortunately.  the Next update for THW on Wattpad will be Saturday but two advanced chapters are now available on patreon currently.  I do plan on finishing APOD,  I’ll consider that when I finish at least  80 percent of my current workload. It seems to be a fan favorite lol. Thanks for reaching out! Xoxo


Are we getting an update for MTTNW? I would really appreciate it, if you gave a set schedule to us, like ‘expect an update every Saturday’. It would really stop me from mindlessly opening Wattpad every second to see if there has been an update. All love <3


That is lovely to hear, looking forward to weekly updates (don’t worry about when life says no haha)! You’re genuinely one of the best authors I’ve had the pleasure of reading their books. I completely forgot about Wattpad and then I opened the app this one day and I came across yours books, namely MTTNW and my god my screen time on here… 


Hey there! I think you’ll be disappointed to know I did actually set a schedule for every Tuesday, but you know life got a way of robbing you of writing time, in between work, and other stuff. I have been struggling. I understand your frustration and I apologize. I’ll try sticking to it, but please understand when chapters do delay I just probably have my hands full that week. I do suck at communication, but I’ll work on it! Update for MTTNW will be out tomorrow on patreon, as for Wattpad, I’m still debating. Either tomorrow or next week Tuesday. I’ll see.


Hi hi. I found MTTNW a few days ago and I am obsessed with it. However, I fear the day I reach the last chapter you updated, so I have been, unsuccessfully, trying to stall. I love everything in your story: the historical era, the storyline, the way you convey emotions, and everything else. 


Hey there! Ooh, first things first, you’re hilarious! Love your comments and girl just finished reading lol. I see you slowly reading chapter by chapter. Thank you so much for your kind words. The compliments you leave in my chapters warm my heart and you notice the smallest details, lucky to have you ❤️. Mttnw update will be out tomorrow for patreon as for Wattpad, I’ll see whether I can release one tomorrow or just next week. 


Hello dear, will we have an update on THW today? I don't think I received the latest update, is everything ok? Let us know ☺️


Lol, I said unspoken, I forgot I renamed it. THW is out now ❤️


Hey there! Thanks for your patience and sorry for the late reply. I was feeling under the weather, and I think I was shut stressed with the added workload (from work) everything got ahead of me, but I'm settled now, thank God. Thanks for reaching out. I appreciate it, truly. Unspoken was updated today. 2 new updates are now available. ❤️