
Hi! Hello! I’m BACK! <3 I’ve been trying to put my little writing hiatus into words for a while now because I know I owe you all some sort of explanation. In October last year I took all my stories down from Wattpad, but even before that, I had also stopped updating the books that most of you loved. In truth, and now that I have had the time to take a step back from Wattpad and my writing– I was definitely dealing with creative burnout. Writing stopped being fun for me, and that has NEVER happened to me before. Every time I opened up Wattpad it would just stress me out and I didn’t really know how to deal with it or even explain all the feelings I was going through.
          	What I did know was, that the best step forward for me at the time was deleting my books until I got myself together and figured out what was wrong with me. Some of you are probably thinking that deleting my books was probably a little drastic, but my brain is a silly little place and I knew that as long as I had my stories up for people to read I would always be tempted to go onto Wattpad and look at my notifications, removing my books entirely just took away that pressure and allowed me to breathe.
          	But now I’m back! Surprisingly, taking breaks does good things for your mental health <3 Suddenly, the pressure was lifted from the need to upload and to create, and I found myself thinking about my stories again, and WANTING to upload on Wattpad again.
          	However, I knew that if I wanted to return to Wattpad I would need to change a few things about my process. Usually, when it comes to updating my stories I would upload chapters as I’d written them – but this was very bad for my stress, especially when sometimes it takes me more than a few weeks to write a chapter and I have everyone eagerly waiting for what is going to happen next.
          	Part 1/2 - wattpad caps the number of words you can write in broadcast messages, find part 2 in the comments <3


@miramurphy while I am sad I cannot read more of your stories until they are finished, I will be here when they are!


@miramurphy Love your story Witch Blood Luna, I can't wait to read it again (was driving myself crazy wondering where it went before I saw this lol)


@miramurphy we're happy that you are back!


Everyone... summer is coming which mean maybe a school break for her or a time where she's less busy. I've been an og fan since 2016 and she's always been loyal to her words. If she says she's coming back, she is. Give her time because I swear to you, it is worth the wait! Her work is outstanding! Like jaw-dropping, edge of our seat outstanding! Big love from me Mira (I hope your remember who I am :p) !!❤️


i hope everyone realises that people have a life outside of wattpad so updating could take long or there may be other reasons. we just have to be respectful of her and be patient. 


@sxulsz you are honestly such a sweetheart, I appreciate you so much <3


these comments are really shaking me, please please be okay mira we all love ur stories so much <3


thank freaking god I LOVE U MIRA 


@valouliette I'm here <3 thank you for being so sweet and caring, just got super busy so wattpad was on the back burner for a little while


Girl I hope you are doing okay. Mentally and physically. Moon marked was my fav book on Wattpad so we really love your books , in difficult times keep that in mind. Love u.


@miramurphy oh I'm glad you are doing okay. I damn well know how life gets hectic. Thank you for sparing time for us readers girl


@aneshilal I appreciate you and your support, I'm still here just got hella busy in April! updates for Moon marked will be starting back up tomorrow <3