
Thank you for reading and adding NOSA to your reading list!


I’m so glad! ^_^


@Infinitely_Eternal no problem I haven't finished it yet but it's pretty good  :). I'm enjoying it so far :D


Thanks for following the Potato me I will follow u back as thanks! But why did you follow me? 0-0


@miyukiSnow12 because Manila is the most popular place here in the Phil. I guess so XDD I'm a very lazy person so yep, And In my town, It's just a normal town well it's not full of buildings and like wires at the top and yyyeeeeee


@Kazuto_Potato thanks :) And my friends always say that I'm hyper and cheerful so you got it right xD and I'm not really sure where abouts in the Philippines my dad lives so you never know xD.


@miyukiSnow12 Oh, It's nice you are still cheerful, Well that's how I ThInK.. I feel like your a cheerful person lol and is friendly I like people like you but, That be awesome if you came to the Phil. Lol but I think you will be at Manila, I'm not from Manila and I don't have money to travel overseas lolololol me iz just havin a balances life not poor but not Rich, Just balanved : D