
The submission window is now OPEN over on the @bootcampmentors profile! And the mentee application is live in their 2024 Bootcamp Mentorship book. If you would like to apply to a mentor for the upcoming mentorship (May 1st - June 15th), you have until April 24th at 11:59pm Eastern time. Wouldn't it be great to have your own personal mentor for 6 weeks?! It can't hurt to apply. Head on over there and check it out now!


@Alonso00emmanuel The next bootcamp mentorship session is coming up this month! You'll find the schedule in the book I linked in this post under the chapter titled Mentoring Sessions. If you're interested in finding a mentor to help you with your story, read the chapter titled How To Apply To A Bootcamp Mentor.


How do i register for this?


Hey, would love some feedback if you have the time. I've really enjoyed your series so far!


Wow impressive job there…I wish you could give me a follow back.!


thanks, that's super helpful. I'll have a look into it.


@TheEnclavedSyndicate Hello. I appreciate your support of my series, and I'm glad that you've also discovered the perks of being a Wattpad writer. I do not accept requests for story feedback, but if you are willing to exchange feedback with another Wattpad writer, I recommend you check out @bootcampmentors. They have a critique partner search program. You can find more information about that program under their Write For The Wattys title.
            I wish you the best with your writing endeavors.


The submission window is now OPEN over on the @bootcampmentors profile! And the mentee application is live in their 2024 Bootcamp Mentorship book. If you would like to apply to a mentor for the upcoming mentorship (May 1st - June 15th), you have until April 24th at 11:59pm Eastern time. Wouldn't it be great to have your own personal mentor for 6 weeks?! It can't hurt to apply. Head on over there and check it out now!


@Alonso00emmanuel The next bootcamp mentorship session is coming up this month! You'll find the schedule in the book I linked in this post under the chapter titled Mentoring Sessions. If you're interested in finding a mentor to help you with your story, read the chapter titled How To Apply To A Bootcamp Mentor.


How do i register for this?


It's Bootcamp Mentors season again! If you're a writer who has been working hard at your craft, now is the time to secure a mentor for your next piece of work. This year, the Bootcamp Mentors have expanded their program to include more than one mentorship. And this month you can apply to get help writing for the 8 Chapter Challenge, which could lead to bigger opportunities through Wattpad.
          So if you like writing opportunities, hurry over to the @bootcampmentors profile and read their 2024 Bootcamp Mentorship book to learn more! I hope to see you in the BCM discord server too, where you'll find a super supportive community always eager to share their love of stories and their passion for storytelling.


Publishing update on Lexi's Undoing, soon to be 'A Goddess Unraveled'. I started revisions last week. Whoop! And when I say revisions, I mean there will be some brilliant improvements to the story that I'm super excited about. I just wanted you to know that this is really happening.


@neverfakeit  I can’t wait!!! They’re my favourite books on Wattpad.


I am absolutely going to have to buy a copy of this when it comes out! Congratulations! I’m so proud of you 


Thanks to all the awesome Wattpad readers who have supported this story. I'm excited to share the published version with the rest of the world, and a little bit terrified. I've heard the trick is not to read the reviews. : )


Hi, I’m just curious if you have ever thought of releasing Lexi series in paperback? I would love to own a copy of it in paperback. 


I am looking forward to buy it, love these books


@wings_12 Hello and thanks so much for your interest in the Lexi series. You'll be happy to know that this series is being published through W by Wattpad Books. The titles will be changing, so Lexi's Undoing is being released as 'A Goddess Unraveled'. This first book will come out in early winter 2025 in paperback and ebook format. I will announce the release date here so my Wattpad readers know when they're able to purchase their own copy. Cheers, M. Rider


This year I nearly burned myself out online. I spent more time in the virtual world than the real one. I don’t regret the work I did with the @bootcampmentors or the time I spent on the @ambassadors engagement team. I absolutely love supporting writers and readers, and I plan to continue my work with both of these brilliant communities. I do, however, need to be more present for my family at home in 2024. 
          How will that look? I’m still trying to figure that out. But I’d like to share my takeaway for 2023. Safety and Peace. These words are resonating with me the most as the year comes to a close. I’ve lived a life that has allowed me to feel safe most of the time, but this is not the case for many. 
          To all the people I share the planet with (I'm covering all bases here), I sincerely wish you safety and peace in your daily lives. And I hope you will strive to provide both as much as you are able.


@MrsSutliff I'll catch you up in our PM : )


@lolabeanbos What a lovely message. Thank you. I wish you well in the new year and hope you continue to enjoy this incredible Wattpad community.