
For students with finals in the month of May/June: Stay safe! Don't forget to eat and drink water! See you out the other end!


@night_bat_  yess sir / maam
          	  On my way to take a six hour test right now 


          	  I chopped those onions
          	  With my own ex-godly hands
          	  You’d better eat them
          	  BEING PRODUCTIVE.
          	  It’s such a human concept. It implies you have limited time (LOL) and
          	  have to work hard to make something happen (double LOL). I mean, perhaps
          	  if you were laboring away for years writing an opera about the glories of
          	  Apollo, I could understand the appeal of being productive. But how can you
          	  get a sense of satisfaction and serenity from preparing food? That I did not
          	  -trials of apollo - the dark prophecy 


@night_bat_             that's only if i don't die first 


For students with finals in the month of May/June: Stay safe! Don't forget to eat and drink water! See you out the other end!


@night_bat_  yess sir / maam
            On my way to take a six hour test right now 


            I chopped those onions
            With my own ex-godly hands
            You’d better eat them
            It’s such a human concept. It implies you have limited time (LOL) and
            have to work hard to make something happen (double LOL). I mean, perhaps
            if you were laboring away for years writing an opera about the glories of
            Apollo, I could understand the appeal of being productive. But how can you
            get a sense of satisfaction and serenity from preparing food? That I did not
            -trials of apollo - the dark prophecy 


@night_bat_             that's only if i don't die first 


Me: Announces my return and gets started working on my rewrite and other projects I *still* love
          Life: ha ha ha ha ha! You're cute.


@night_bat_ real (hope ur doing good)


Hey ya'll hope that you've been behaving while I've been gone! But I'm back now! You may have noticed two stories missing from my page that's because I've officially started re-writing the series! I'll keep ya'll updated as the process continues but as for now that you for your patience and constant support! Can't wait to post more on this site! Until Next Time! 


@Hiilikearty That sucks that u lost ur account but thank you for your support! I'm glad to be back!


@night_bat_  yesss! Perfect timing!!! I lost my account like 2 days after you said ur leaving and just got it back literally three days ago! I’m so excited, love your work!!!! :D


@night_bat_ Ofc, you’re an amazing writer. So… should I expect anything but a week, because life never goes according to plan.


*This account is still on hiatus* 
          BUT I had to come on here to urge y'all to be kind and safe in my comment sections. 
          If there is an issue PLEASE reach out to me with the fic, chapter and line and I will get to it ASAP. 
          I've always read as many comments as I possibly can, however with me offline a few conversations have been going a bit off the rails. 
          The internet isn't a safe place but my works are. I've not had to block anyone yet and I would like to keep it that way. 
          I'm sorry that this had to be my first announcement during my hiatus, but it had to be said.


@night_bat_ Just makes me sad that People would be mean to other people for no reason You're also very lucky you haven't had to block Anybody yet.


@night_bat_  why do people think it’s ok to be rude to strangers? It’s honestly disgusting


@night_bat_ I completely respect that. I'm sorry that some people are being mean in the comments of your stories.


Hello my wonderful readers! I am sorry to say that I have burnt out. I don't really share too much about myself online but I am in college and as such have a bunch of projects that regretfully take priority. That said I have one more update for my most current work that I will publish thursday and from that point until further notice I will be taking a Hiatus from this entire app. I am reachable through discord if anything major happens though! Please be kind to each other in my leave and I hope to be back with fun new works to share! Eventually.


Should I be working on my Harry Potter fic? Yes. Should I be asleep because it is currently 5:10 am in my time zone? Also yes. Did I disregard both of these truths because I binge-watched Pirates of the Caribbean today? Totally Not. Anyways go check out my newest fic about Captain Jack Sparrow (it's less than 500 words and will take you no time at all) Pirate's Two Truths and a Lie.