
I was going to do some edits on the Somewhere Under Heaven series but I'm just too exhausted. I'm fixing some minor things with a few of the installments and putting them back up.


Hi. I'm trying to work on some new stuff. I have been working on some new things with the Somewhere Under Heaven series but right now it's been kind of hard since I'm still not at 100% because of the relapse plus my dad just got out of the hospital earlier this week. Bear with me, please. Thanks.


I didn't want to write this but I had to. I'm heartbroken over the death of Matthew Perry and since Chandler was my favorite Friends character, I had to write the first of two chapters in Unlikely Friends revolving around what if they lost the Chan-Chan Man.


Hey, everyone. 
          I have some ideas for one-shots but right now I am working on revamping the Somewhere Under Heaven series. There was so much in the later installments that I didn't like in the end and right now I'm working on "The Greatest Is Love" in that series. There are a few things I'm keeping from the original version but there are other things like you saw with Ballad of Katie and Heaven & Earth that I took from what I liked in the original previous installments (adopting Jaxon and Dion, finding out about Gracie and Michael, Casey's career advancement) and moving them to where it's in an earlier timeline.
          Right now, I haven't been doing too well physically since I had a severe drop in my thyroid levels which threw my body out of whack so I thought I'll do this instead. Thanks for reading.


Hi. I decided to redo Somewhere Under Heaven a bit. There's a lot in there that I just think is a bit too crazy so I'm stripping it down, integrating a lot of stuff and just making it different. The first two installments are about the same and I just redid Ballad of Katie. Let's see what else I can do.


hii, im your biggest fans of your fanfics abt rob, i hope you make more soon abt him because i really love robert so much uwu, but is it okay to make a story abt robert being a heartless mafia and y/n just a regular girl idk, but robert playing as mafia?! im gonna scream but anyways thankyou for the effort you put in your story, i very appreciate! WE appreciate! take care always!


@robfrankie Yeah. It was a show about a mob family in New Jersey.


the sopranos? is that a mafia story?


@robfrankie I'll probably have to watch a few episodes of The Sopranos but I'll figure it out.


Hey there! I've been doing some editing on the installments of the Somewhere Under Heaven series. mostly correcting some syntax in the writing and adding a few chapters that I think should be in the later parts. I've been pretty busy right now because my dad had a bit of an accident a month ago when he fell in front of the house and he's FINALLY getting to where he's starting to be the way he was before (he hit his head pretty bad). I did put a new chapter in Of Fanfic & Fantasies: Book II (the one shot anthology series) called "Online Dating Nightmare" which is about a divorced lady who goes on a Tinder date that is a disaster only to be rescued by a dashing Englishman. I think you'll like it.