
I also wanted to quick say thank you for all the follows, comments, and votes! They're really helping motivate me :)


Hey guys, I've returned after a very long break and I am going to start writing again. I have a literal notes app full of fanfics I want to do so we'll see how this goes. My choices for starting right now are 2 Marvel stories, X-Men, Pirates of the Caribbean, Star Wars, Star Trek (Yes I'm both :) ), Lord of the Rings/ The Hobbit, or scrapping my Narnia story and restarting with a MUCH better story. There's a couple others if you want the full list but if you guys want to one of the stories above done, let me know ;)


Hey everyone! I have no excuse for not being active, except that I lost motivation. 
          Which leads into my announcement: After a lot of thinking, I've decided to discontinue my TW series. 
          My reasons are these: 1, I'm terrible at updating. 2, my writing skills suck. 3, it was a trial I think and my motivation is fading. 
          I feel pretty bad but I think it's the right thing. I'll leave them up on my account for now. I have a few more stories I might write and if you would like to know what they are, let me know!
          Thank you for your patience to read this, you have my sincere apologies but I think it's the best thing right now. 
          See ya! Have a good day/night!