
Okay so... I don't know if anyone'll see this, but I just want to inform you all that I've decided to not continue writing fanfictions anymore. I don't know if I'll finish the LIS fanfiction in the future, but I wouldn't keep my hopes up... 
          	I want to focus on my original work, which sadly won't be in English as it isn't my native language, so I won't be publishing it on here. I just want to thank all of you for these past years, it's been a blast, really. You have all made my day countless times, and you've cheered me up and given me something else to think about at my lowest. 
          	Thank you all so much, keep on being as hilarious and supportive when you read other books as when you read mine, love you all!!❤❤


@notelesswriter Aww I wish you well my friend


Okay so... I don't know if anyone'll see this, but I just want to inform you all that I've decided to not continue writing fanfictions anymore. I don't know if I'll finish the LIS fanfiction in the future, but I wouldn't keep my hopes up... 
          I want to focus on my original work, which sadly won't be in English as it isn't my native language, so I won't be publishing it on here. I just want to thank all of you for these past years, it's been a blast, really. You have all made my day countless times, and you've cheered me up and given me something else to think about at my lowest. 
          Thank you all so much, keep on being as hilarious and supportive when you read other books as when you read mine, love you all!!❤❤


@notelesswriter Aww I wish you well my friend


Contemplating whether or not I want to continue writing fanfiction. Currently trying to get better at writing and I want to write more original stuff since that's what I want to do in the future... Anyhow, I'm taking a break for god knows how long, and I might or might not continue the Life is strange fanfiction. I'm so sorry.


@notelesswriter don't pressure yourself. I've been following you for a few years! And you're very talented, but if you decide to stop, you will have left a great path for people to remember you as a writer from