
I have adhd when it comes to writing. I can never just work on one story alone. I gotta keep writing. With that being said, I wrote my first chapter to my new story, (Quinn). Let me know what yall think. 


@lionqueen26 I'll put chapter 2 up now. Was going to wait until tomorrow but I'll post chapter 3 tomorrow 


I was thinking this  it’s probably fire tho.


Thank you Queen ❤️


I have adhd when it comes to writing. I can never just work on one story alone. I gotta keep writing. With that being said, I wrote my first chapter to my new story, (Quinn). Let me know what yall think. 


@lionqueen26 I'll put chapter 2 up now. Was going to wait until tomorrow but I'll post chapter 3 tomorrow 


I was thinking this  it’s probably fire tho.


Thank you Queen ❤️


Why do I feel like someone is trying to get my account taken. Smh a lot of weird stuff been happening lately. If my account disappears just know they've accomplished what they've been trying to do. Good thing all my chapters are save on another app. But until then imma keep up the writing. 


How I was almost done with the next chapter to (A Love Hate Relationship) and ended up deleting it. I wanna cry right now. Whelp let me start over.


@novelistic_mind  can you help me please it my first here please I need help I don't even know how to publish my writings here


@novelistic_mind u just have to promote yourself. I post about my books on all my platforms such as Facebook, Instagram, and tiktok. Trying to get my book into the library now so people will be able to get familiar with who I am. 


So Wattpad had deleted my book (The Rich Submissive) I just looked and it's completely gone. With that being said I will no longer be posting on wattpad Because that book has been up here for a long time now which tells me that someone has reported it. So I'm not even going to waste my time with giving this app anymore of my time. I am taking recommendations on what other apps I can post on but I am pissed so it's time for me to dip. I been over this app for a long time now anyway. Sorry for the people that took the time out to follow me and read my books. I greatly appreciate u. I guess this is now forcing me to open my own website. Bout to get back to that. But look me up on Instagram ebony_vlogs. Me and my two dogs are in the profile picture. Much Love. Hit me up if you want my Facebook account because ya girl has went back to that also even though I cant stand FB lol


@MukoMavis I have no idea. I got an email from them saying they deleted my story. It's cool though. It's still being edited and It will be available soon. 


Wherever you go, we are going to support. I’m sorry this happened to you Queen.