
Oh yeah the paperback version of my book is out. Please consider leaving a review so it doesn't flop :'3


What happened to your pfp?


@p0tat0-g0ddess that’s good. I can confirm because I am one of them. 


            I LOVE THAT DUDE.


@immortal_lizzard The Herobrinesexuals are certainly my primary audience


the Eyes Like Mine EBOOK is out!! The paperback version will release in a few days, and I'll announce it when it does so!
          If you've read Eyes Like Mine and don't want to read it again (tho it does have some changes & new scenes), please consider leaving a good review so that amazon will promote it to new people!


Hi gang I’m about to overshare about my life and emotionally manipulate you
          SO I am an adult. And I don’t have a job. If you’ve been following me for long you may have heard about me having health issues, which unfortunately forced me to quit my job a few weeks ago. I can afford to eat and stuff but I have been forced to look for alternate means of making money, SOOO
          I’m publishing a book! Which! Is already available here for free! I have taken Eyes Like Mine, changed the title slightly and also mellowed out a bit of the violence for younger readers, added a couple scenes and edited out any grammar issues, aaaand I’m publishing it on Amazon! If you have access to Kindle Unlimited then you can read the Full Version(tm) for free, or you can buy it in paperback form to have Genuine Minecraft Fanfiction in Your House!
          Even if you don’t want to buy it to read it again, please consider leaving a good review on the product page! It will help it get seen by people who have NOT read it before, so I can afford to pay rent!
          It is now available for pre-order, and the paperback version will be available in a couple weeks! Thank you so much for reading! https://a.co/d/cEDodAc


@Wasp81 It’s under the name Potato Goddess!


@p0tat0-g0ddess Will you be publishing under a pen name?


@p0tat0-g0ddess Oh my gosh, I want paperback fanfiction!


So apparently Wattpad is axing their private messaging system, according to the popup in my PM inbox. I just wanted to take this opportunity to remind people that I have a discord server for Minecraft fic enjoyers, and that you can get a link to it by DMing me. After the DM feature has been removed, I'll put my discord info in my profile instead so if y'all want you can friend me.


Hi gang. I've heard from a friend who heard from a friend (which is to say: don't take this as 100% fact, but) that wattpad has started using an AI tool to locate and remove stories that contain inappropriate content (hilarious given the absolute atrocities that I'm constantly forced to look at on the main page every day). Obviously AI is flawed and dumb and stories that do not contain content that go against the community guidelines are being hit as well. Sad!
          As far as I can tell, none of my books have been hit. However, should something happen to my account on here, you can find the majority of my words on Archive of our Own and fanfiction . net under the username "FirstFandomFangirl".
          (if you got multiple notifs for this, wattpad appears to be eating it lol)


@p0tat0-g0ddess Sorry. I didn't mean to come across like that. Thanks for the info though.


@Snowleopardcheetah Also, no need to be passive-aggressive.


Ok readers, I have a question - Do you enjoy the "x reader" aspect of my Herobrine romances, or would you rather I just give the female lead a name and treat her like a proper OC?


@p0tat0-g0ddess Alright, then. (Just got a free writing tip yo).


@ p0tat0-g0ddess  yes I enjoy the "x reader" better if the reader still called by Y/n


I'm gonna be straight up with yall- watching my view count on my chapters go up with only a smattering of votes and no comments is really discouraging.
          I saw someone compare getting views but no comments to performing a stage play, then staring out into a filled auditorium and getting silence. It hurts. And it makes me not want to get in that situation again.
          If you want a story you enjoy to keep updating (especially stories in tiny fandoms!!), leave comments. Let the author know that you enjoy it. They will appreciate it, and it will be far more effective than "pls update" when the fic gets abandoned for long periods of time.


@p0tat0-g0ddess Lol thanks, I'll do so ^^


@JerryTeddy Go ahead. I don't think it's something that really occurs to people that don't write - until they start, and then they Understand lol


@p0tat0-g0ddess SOMEONE FINALLY SAID IT!!! I totally agree. This is why so many of my fics have been abandoned or discontinued. It just feels like you're posting for a silent audience that doesn't even care. Or someone that accidentally clicks on a chapter you uploaded. It's rather depressing TmT Do you mind if I post a similar message on my message board (I'm asking because I don't want to seem like a copycat-)