
um! hello!! i’ve just seen that i hit 100 FOLLOWERS??? that’s insane!! i hate to disappoint new followers as i currently have no projects that i’m sure that i’ll release anytime soon, though i am so very grateful to all of you for giving me a follow! 
          	also seeing as many if not all have come from Angel, i really hope you enjoyed my story!! it’s definitely not top-tier amazing but i’m glad to see it enjoyed by so many people, it’s pretty insane. 
          	anyways!! thank you so much for following and enjoying my works :D


um! hello!! i’ve just seen that i hit 100 FOLLOWERS??? that’s insane!! i hate to disappoint new followers as i currently have no projects that i’m sure that i’ll release anytime soon, though i am so very grateful to all of you for giving me a follow! 
          also seeing as many if not all have come from Angel, i really hope you enjoyed my story!! it’s definitely not top-tier amazing but i’m glad to see it enjoyed by so many people, it’s pretty insane. 
          anyways!! thank you so much for following and enjoying my works :D


Hi! It’s definitely been a while haha.
          Honestly, I’m so blown away by the fact that Angel has retained people’s attention and that so many people seem to enjoy it. It’s crazy! It’s insane to me how 200k people have found Angel and most seem to like it, even though it has terrible writing and plot. (At least it seems so to me looking back on it LOL)
          Anyways, I wanted to say thank you so so so much to any new followers and readers that came from Angel. I am blown away by the continued support from such an old fan-fiction. (I’m still waiting for the movie to come out–if it ever does !)
          I’m definitely not here to promise any new work; or even any improvement on Angel. I’m terrible lazy and easily lose interest in things. But! I hope no one will mind that whatever I end up posting next has pretty much nothing to do with anime (or even kpop), seeing as those are the stories I’ve so far posted. 
          Either way! I haven’t completely disappeared off the face of Wattpad and continue to be so overjoyed about seeing new readers :D Thank you so much for reading Angel!!


Um... hi. 
          Hello everyone. So! I've kind of gotten the energy to want and fix up Angel! I don't know how long it'll last haha, but I'm slowly getting it fixed up! I swear. So, for those who followed me because of Angel, just know that it'll be much different once I finish editing up! I'll definitely be sure to announce when I finish and I definitely want everyone to be able to see how much I've really changed, writing-wise. But! Y'know, it'll always be your choice. 
          Um,,, yeah! Lastly (i guess?) I won't be publishing any new stories anytime soon. I'm pretty sure that's what I've decided on lol.
          Anyways!! I just want to say... THANK YOU SO MUCH! Seriously Angel has come sooo far from what I thought it would! I mean, nearly 30k reads !!!! That's mad!! And we hit 1k votes maybe a month ago or something !!!! That's bloody brilliant!! 
          Well then, I'll be off then! Yet again, thank you so much :)