
wtf even happened lol anyways please read my mass-produced-not-really-smut-but-i-call-it-smut. :)


hey. its been long so anyways I've completely given up on writing Project Partners. I think I just don't like the plot anymore and I don't know how I would take the story on further. I also am not into the genre of romance as much anymore and I also have not been using wattpad as much anymore either. I have been using ao3 more, and I might start writing there too. I'll update later for my ao3 account and I might finish off the book with a few chapter (will be completely rushed) if wanted. I'm still available on wattpad, just not updating as much. Thanks for reading my books!


sorry about the late updates this week! i’ve been having some problems with a few friends and just the lack to do anything lately, but i’ll try to be very motivated and get through the week! thank you all again for the late updates 


I've given up writing today sorry for the long chapter but only one chapter thing I'm just really tired today and I just kinda want to read instead of write and I realized i needed to edit all my work because half is literally present tense while the other half is past tense so i need to fix that but anyhow have a good day :)


Started updating because of the sudden motivation i had while reading some things. I'll try to update 2-5 chapters a week because somehow I can do that at night so stick with me! I based off the little trio of Parker, Mr. Brown and Ms. Smith from an anime because I'm a little too obsessed with the characters so if you can guess it I tried to hard to not just write their names down :} anyways see you guys later and enjoy the new updates!


hello, im back once again. I got my laptop back thankfully and i did get my phone back like almost a few weeks ago but i cannot and i repeat CANNOT write on my phone so i just basically waited until i got my laptop back im yeah. I'll be changing the stories once again but not a fanfiction because i realized i actually wanted to get this book like noticed but because not many people have been reading my books i decided to change it into a non-fanfiction book, ive also planned to do this already to actually get my book like noticed and stuff so i thought just kill two birds with one stone and just do it at once. I'll be updating it as the weeks go by so stay tuned for my new book! (basically the same like even the same title but just not bts character names)


I started writing with my new book called 'school disaster'! read it please and ill try updating every few days, so stay tuned! this is an updated version of 'sweet and sour' but with a few more updates so please read it! i might also make a version where it doesn't include bts in it so i can try getting it "published" because i really like this storyline and how i plan to continue this story!