
For anyone following along on my publishing journey, I have finished the first rewrite draft of the Princess and the Devil and am starting working on Dont Mess with the Queen. I am going to have to do an almost complete rewrite of the book so this rewrite will definitely take longer than my rewrite of the princess and the Devil. If you have any questions please feel free to ask.
          	None of my books will be taken off Wattpad. Because the rewrites and pretty different I have no problem with leaving the originals on here. 


For anyone following along on my publishing journey, I have finished the first rewrite draft of the Princess and the Devil and am starting working on Dont Mess with the Queen. I am going to have to do an almost complete rewrite of the book so this rewrite will definitely take longer than my rewrite of the princess and the Devil. If you have any questions please feel free to ask.
          None of my books will be taken off Wattpad. Because the rewrites and pretty different I have no problem with leaving the originals on here. 


Hello everyone. Long time no read.
          I am starting to edit/rewrite “The Princess and the Devil” and will be looking over your comments for advice on improving the book but if you have specific advice feel free to comment here.
          I’m hoping one day in the future to actually publish the book but for now it’s a lot of editing. I will not be taking off the book from Wattpad but the edited version will have new names and probably a new title. 


Where did you get inspiration to write these amazing books?


@Rokad801 honestly from the world around me. Tv shows give me scene ideas, books help me refine my writing skills, events and people in my life give me ideas for plots and stuff 


Please make more in the rollercoaster love series, Dana and Ryder or Tessa and Luke


@Rokad801 thank you I’m glad you like them. If I ever start up this series again I’ll be sure to make an announcement for everyone


Oh ok just wanted to say they r really good!!


@Rokad801 so at the moment I do not know when or if I will be continuing this series


I just want you to know that for the past 2 weeks I've read every single one of your books and they were so amazing


@Alexisabrams2015 well my reading list “princess treatment’s reading list” has all the books I have read and loved on here


It's gonna be hard to find another series that'll catch my eye and attention as fast as all yours did. 


@Alexisabrams2015 thank you very much! I’m glad you liked them!


Omg girlyyyyyyyyyyyy
          I just finished the ‘Gang love’ series and when I tell you I fell in love I really did. Every single book was written amazing and I loved Jason’s character development it was written beautifully. Felt a connection with every character and yeah I just loved this series prolly my all time favorite ❤️ 


@bookswithkayla I’m very glad you liked it!


Hello everyone, happy Sunday! I hope everyone is doing well. I just wanted to update you all on what I plan to do writing wise. I have decided for me it is best not to publish any stories for awhile. I feel like all I’ve been getting are negative comments after negative comments. I am writing but right now more for me and with school starting up soon I do not know when I will even have to time to write and publish. I will come back when things get easier for me and I have stories to publish. I want to thank everyone for their future patience and their commitment to me and my stories. I have many stories for you all to read and I have even more stories on my reading lists for you all to check out (my “Princesstreatment’s reading list” is all my favorite books I have read while my other lists I have not read yet).


@ILoveJollyRancher also do you know what your writing next because I can't wait for more books?????


@princesstreatment I know i'm like super late on this but you are an amazing writer no matter what anyone says, i'm not even lying you are my favorite author you have written books so well and they are perfect!


@ princesstreatment  i think you're books are amazing  take all the time you need but you need to now that I think you're amazing in writing 