
came across some pretty lovely news in my notifications today, totally out of the blue and i actually wasn't expecting anything like it - midnight musings is featured as a recommendation by the ambassadors profile of Wattpad in their summer reads for the month of June! this is so unexpected, considering the fact how I've been barely active here. but, it made my day! 


came across some pretty lovely news in my notifications today, totally out of the blue and i actually wasn't expecting anything like it - midnight musings is featured as a recommendation by the ambassadors profile of Wattpad in their summer reads for the month of June! this is so unexpected, considering the fact how I've been barely active here. but, it made my day! 


so wp writers have resorted to using ai in their covers? it was bad enough that we were using other people's fanart without their permission and now this? what's the joy of writing and making your own cover design if you're gonna rip off other people anyways? some of y'all are here just for a popularity contest, it's sickening. whatever happened to ethical consumption and usage? and then to have the audacity to complain about getting your books stolen as if you didn't indulge in stealing stuff yourself with your chat gpt fic


@sugalitude i saw so many books with clearly ai covers on my recommended list, it was insane. it's bad enough that people were reposting ao3 stories before and using fanart without permission but now this?? it's a whole new low


@procrastinity It is honestly sad tbh- i didn't know until just now but its embarrassing, sickening, and just dumb overall- and it ruins it for the people who do put time n effort into their covers- but might even get overlooked by some chat gpt ai fic....vs those who actually put in the work for their whole story-


@procrastinity people are using ai to make covers?? I'm shook. 
            And the fact that people are using chat gpt in their made me feel so bad realising that while I'm putting in the effort there are some who are not exactly authors and are using these methods to generate books and take the popularity too. I enjoy writing and the process bcuz it takes my mind off with all hectic studying (just a hobby that keeps me alive) and this shouldn't matter to me but I can't ignore it too. I've always thought writer is a profession which is very noble and virtuous. But the way it is being disgraced...


so apparently wp wants to remove the pm feature and doesn't realise just how much of an essential feature it is. considering wp markets itself as a platform for writers to build a community and connect with other writers, it is appalling to even think that they'd do smth like this. a friend shared this petition link with me, I urge you to sign it as well. it is not just gonna affect cover shops, writers, awards, etc. but also the privacy of writers. the pm communication is used for multiple reasons and just bc wp's terrible management at handling reports (even though they're still better than ig in that regard bc you're allowed to talk to actual people) is going to be a huge huge impact on so many writers and editors, myself included. please sign the petition to stop wp from removing another important feature (still mourning the loss of the newsfeed)


happy new year, loves. I'm beyond late. enjoy an update of a tale you've probably already forgotten about


Why is House of Kim still underrated? T^T


@procrastinity there's an update from wp updates. Or else try wp on browser on desktop mode. U can update ur works without worrying it to be updated manually


@_thekimskimchi_ oh really? I had no idea actually 


Oh right! Dyk we have scheduler on this website now? 