
Assalamu alaikum warahmatullahi wabarakatuhu lovelies.... 
          	How are you all ? Hope you're doing good and staying safe !
          	Just wanted to share something important.. 
          	My dearest grandma recently passed away and we are still recovering from the shock and pain, it's an innumerable loss for us, we're going through an extreme difficult time to just accept that she's no more with us  =(
          	I humbly request you all to pray for her maghfirat and may Allah grant her jannatul Firdous...
          	Aameen! Summa Aameen! 
          	Please Keep us in your prayers... 
          	I'll update the new story when we're OK! 
          	Hope you all understand !
          	With Regards 


@glitteryavenger it's OK no problem, Aameen baby sis 


@quirkynoha appi that is sad i have known it late but may allah give our grandma jannath firdous.. 


@quirkynoha wa antum fajazakumullahu khair ❤


          Assalamualaikum Warahmatullahi Wabarakatuhu!!
          Hope you’re doing great!!
          This message is to bring in notice of you that I have been taking interview of the Author..I really appreciate the hard work you put in writing… I take interviews of all the Fabulous and amazing writers and I feel you’re one of them ..I’ll like to do Interview session with you .. If you’re accepting my offer then do text me back ..
          I’ll be waiting for your response..
          Hoping for a positive response..
          Lastly a very genuine Thank You for taking your time and reading it till end..:
          * A simple ordinary girl who likes to read and share the stories of Authors…:)


Assalamualaikum warahmatullahi waberakatuhu to all the people out there reading this
          Hope you all are fine by Allah's grace i would say Alhamdulillah
          Dear writer you have a great sense of writing books . By the grace of my almighty Lord Allah i came across this book found interesting , i read the book *A hijabi's emerald* and it was great  Ma sha allah  now i tend to read all of your books . It seems that the other books are as interesting as the first book of your i read or more better than the first one . 
          May Allah grant you success in both duniyah and akhirah too.
          Ameen ya rabbal alameen 
          Have a nice day!!!
          Keep yourself motivated and keep writing such amazing works further in your life
          Remember us in your precious payers and may almighty Allah accept all of our prayers that are good for us.  Ameen 
          Ma salama 
          Allah hafiz .

