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I do promise I’m still here. Life really hit me hard and honestly I completely believe the fanfic writers curse. If you haven’t heard of it it’s where writers of fan fictions life suddenly goes to shit. I do have some chapters written for wrong house and seriously need to just sit down and edit them. 


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I do promise I’m still here. Life really hit me hard and honestly I completely believe the fanfic writers curse. If you haven’t heard of it it’s where writers of fan fictions life suddenly goes to shit. I do have some chapters written for wrong house and seriously need to just sit down and edit them. 


Hello everyone. I am still writing. I recently lost my grandpa who was my best friend since birth. It’s greatly impacted me. I have through chapter 13 written for wrong house and just need to edit them. Quiet nights will be updated once I’m able to update wrong house some more 


I promise I'm still writing the stories on my page. School started and I had a few health set backs but I am determined! There will be a book called Pumpkinpants adventures to go with the Quiet Nights book. That story will be from the cats perspective and mostly be silly little things.


Hey everyone. I thought I could put up chapters this week but I just had a major jaw surgery on Monday to correct my underbite and I didn’t realize just how difficult recovery is. The first week will be hellish with a lot of swelling and pain. I also sadly am on a liquid diet for a few weeks. I’m really sorry that I can’t put up anything this week. 


@ravennatheraven Don't worry about it, it's alright! I hope you recover and feel better soon, take all the time you need! No need to apologize! :)